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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tropical Aquariums - How To Select Fish That Can Thrive

Tropical Aquarium fish

There are two kinds of tropical aquarium fish, salt water and fresh water. You would have to have salt water with temperatures and pH levels regulated for salt water fish and for fresh water fish you will need purified water that is fresh. Both these fish would need bacteria that keep the aquariums clean.

So do not mix the two kinds of fish, because if you put fresh water fish into salt water they will die and vice versa too. So remember that you can keep only one type of fish in the aquarium that is suitable for it. For salt water fish they need a certain level of salt in the water which is required for them to move and to breath, without this they would not survive and would die of suffocation. Living rocks or rocks that have good bacteria present have to be put into salt water aquariums. Leave the rock in the water for at least two months for the cycle of the bacteria to go on and then put the fish in. Once the bacterium is built up, set the filter up and then put in the fish.

Fresh water tropical aquariums

The fish that live in fresh water tropical aquariums need fresh water that is clean with no ammonia and chlorine in it. The aquarium for fresh water fish should be set up at least a month before you put in any fish as this will allow the bacteria to develop and keep the ammonia levels as low as possible. Ammonia is not good for the fish and creates a problem with the breathing of the fish and this kills the fish. If the fish remain at the top of the tank you will know that the level of ammonia is high and the fish are struggling to breath. What you should do when this happens is to clean out the filter in some of the water taken from the fish tank separately and put it back in place after a day. The water will then be better. Another thing that you should do is to get yourself a water testing kit so that you can see the level of the balance and the nutrients in the water. These kits do not cost a lot but are very essential.

Having a tropical aquarium in the house is definitely a wonderful piece of decoration to have, but make sure that you know what goes with this by way of maintenance of the tank, the fish and the plants. Remember that fish are living creatures and have to be cared for.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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