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Friday, December 6, 2013

All About Balistidae Fish Care Revealed

The Leopard Filefish

The Leopard Filefish is predominantly ugly and belongs to the Balistidae family. It belongs to the group of Amanses Sandwichiensis and lives in the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as well as the Red Sea. It is environmentally friends and lives with other sea fish. The Gold Rim differs from the Filefish in that it is better looking but has a nasty nature. The Leopard Filefish is not picky with foods and has almost anything - it also feeds on omnivorous and sting anemones.

Living Conditions

The Leopard Filefish can live in water temperatures of 75 - 82 degrees F with a PH balance of 8. It is necessary to have a substrate and extremely good lighting - the bottom should be sandy. Their preferences are for houses that are well maintained with good furniture.

Both the Gold Rim and the Leopard Filefish have similar food habits like omnivorous and anemones. The eyes are blue and the forehead is like a horn and the spine is large. Although the Gold Rim hails from the Indo Pacific, there is no relation to the Filefish.

Another type of fish is the Frogfish. It is related to the Antennariidae family. It is so ugly that the Leopard Filefish is attractive in comparison. It exists only in humid territories. There is a rough growth on its hard skin and can conceal itself among other fishes. It can grow about 5 - 8 inches.

In order to get a picture of where it would like to live, you will need to consult your supplier who will give you relevant information . They like to conceal themselves so there should be many rocks where it can hide and look out for food. It is not accustomed to tank eating, so it can be fed with pieces of meat. It is also territorial and gets along with other fish of its kind.

Other types of fish that holds one?s interest are the Trunkfish, the Boxfish and the Pufferfish. They also live in the Indo Pacific Oceans. The Boxfish is yellow and has black spots. The eyes are almost black although it is actually a dark yellow. The water temperature should be between 75 and 82 degrees F and the water density should be between 1.018 - 1.030. The lighting needs to be good and the tank needs to have a substrate - the bottom should be sandy. Again the fish likes to hide so rocks should be provided. It?s food habits are omnivorous more than anything else.

It should be taken into account that there are some Trunkfish as well as Boxfish that are extremely unfriendly and can even be nasty, otherwise in general, they are known to be friendly.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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