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Saturday, December 28, 2013

4 Tropical Freshwater Fish - Simple Tips To Keep Them Happy

1. Angel Fish

The angel fish is listed under the category of Holacanthus Trimaculatus and connected to the Timaculatus group. They are stunning with their bluish lips on a gold colored body in contrast. The three spot variety of this fish belongs to the Pacific and the Indian oceans. The shape is a lot like that of the butterfly fish. The bluish band on the throat area stands out against a gold or orange background skin. It has been given the name thanks to its patches on the top and the colors on the rim of its flaps. It also owes its name to the color on top of its head. It has black on the exterior of the anal fins, and white on the other side. It can grow to as much as ten inches in length. It likes feeding on larvae, plants and smaller creatures and likes living in the same conditions as the butterfly fish does. Angelfish do adapt to their surrounding life forms, but it is recommended they be kept in isolation.

2. Pajama Cardinal

The Pajama Cardinal belongs to the Apogonidae family, and it finds its origins in Indo-Australian and Chinese waters. This fish prefers life in the shaded areas. It likes water temperatures between seventy five and eighty degrees. They love to hide behind things, so a few props in the fish tank will keep them happy, and remember to not disturb them with bright lights. They eat plankton and other smaller fish. Although the fish is short in length it has a very deep shaped body with impressive fins. It has a large head and a distinct thread like dorsal area. Its large mouth and eyes make it very pleasing to watch in the tank. The Pajama Cardinal could be colored in shades of orange, red and brown. It is a peaceful fish and can learn from its surroundings. This fish can eat live bait and can grow up to five inches in length.

3. Yellow Tail Anemone

The yellow tail Anemone belongs to the Amphiprion Clarki category belonging to the Pomacentridae family. It likes hanging around the bottom of the aquarium, and this leads one to believe it is not as social as the other categories mentioned. Housing them with other fish like themselves will keep them happy.

4. Frogfish

The frogfish is a fish from the Antennarius group and belongs the Anennaridae family. It prefers warm water to live in. It is a territorial natured fish so you need to place only compatible company in its surroundings. Keep them with other larger fish to keep them in place! But do not keep them with hostile fish that are so much bigger that they would not be able to defend themselves. However, take exceptional note of this warning. The frogfish is known to eat fish that are even bigger than its own self, in the tank.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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