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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Aquarium And Fish Care - Answers To 4 Frequently Asked Questions

All over the world aquariums are the new ecosystems of today. The pollution of air and water has made people try hare to preserve nature. Today, Aquariums are being constructed by people with technology. Hence today you are able to buy aquariums which are designed like real nature. Hence the aquariums are like substitutes for beautiful nature.

These days you can buy tanks in which water can be raised and lowered. The intensity of the lights varies too. Apart from this you have a huge variety of switches, to off and on the intensity of the lights with automatic timers.

Maintaining Tanks are easier today as you have filtration system to clean the water of pollutants. Also the procedures being electrically controlled are easy to maintain Usage of automatic devices make food and the dosage easy. Water tanks come in all types of shapes and sizes and resistant water tanks as well. Tank quality and electrical security has become advanced today.

Apart from this, different types of plants and fishes can be stocked in a single fish tank. The fish tank adds to the beauty of the surroundings and eases stress on you. These days choosing a fish tank is easy. Most of the tanks these days have panels that are made up of glass and sealed with silicon. Also, the aquariums today come in several sizes, different weight capacity, thickness and security

1. Does the sealant affect the cleaning and the fish?
Not if the sealant is lesser than or more than 1mm and or 1/16 inches. You have to ensure that the sealants are non-toxic and watertight while cleaning the tank. Large tanks should hold 20 gallons of water.

2. How should the aquarium be positioned?
The aquarium should be placed on a strong sturdy stand depending on the size of the tank The capacity of the tank and water is measured by multiplying length, width and height of the aquarium. For example, for every one gallon of water the tank holds the water weight alone will be 10 pounds. In case you have a tank that is larger, you will have to divide the multiplied result by 1000. This figure will be in litre. By multiplying and dividing a large aquarium you will be able to get a tank capacity of ½ ton. You will also have to ensure that the floor underneath the stand can withstand the weight. Placing large aquariums on weight bearing beams is recommended as also against walls. For safety, aquariums are best avoided being placed near doors and windows or near heaters.

3. How to choose an aquarium?
The basic thing that you need is a tank, a strong and sturdy stand, proper lighting, thermostat, and heater and filtration equipment. You will also have to consider the decors, plants etc., The decorations should include roots, substrates, stones etc. Ideally, the water should be neutralised against chemicals like chlorine etc. You will also need a bucket, a net and not to forget the food for the fish.

4. How to choose filters?
Filtration system basically should include biological, chemical and mechanical filters. These filters should also include external, internal and under-gravel filtrating systems. The external filtration system costs around $150. The under-gravel filtration system is not efficient but combining under-gravel system with an external or internal filter system can give you good result.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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