When you decide to purchase a new aquarium, a 55 gallon fresh water aquarium is quite a good option. Its size is big enough accommodate several fishes at a time yet, can be placed in very less pace in your home or the office.
While the local retailers could very well assist you regarding all the specifics involved in these types of aquariums, here are some simple tips to understand the basics of aquarium maintenance:
1. To make an ideal 55 gallon freshwater tank, one should always opt for an acrylic tank over the glass aquarium. It is because the acrylic tanks are very light in weight and are far easier to manage. The acrylic tanks also have a better visibility than the glass tank.
2. Make sure to purchase a suitable stand for your fish tank before purchasing the fish tank so that you must place it safe and accurately.
3. You would need several equipments to maintain the fish tank such as heater and thermometer to maintain & watch the temperature of the water in the fish tank.
4. A normal 55 gallon freshwater fish tank would require around 5 bags of rocks. You can also select among other substrates that you would require to line the bottom of your tank. Make sure to pick a very bright color in order to you?re your fish tank rather interesting.
5. Further, you would need a filter to fir on ton your fish tank so that water in their must be clean and safe for your fishes. The market is flooded with many types of filters so the experts always advise to research well before purchasing a filter. The type of filter you purchase sheerly depends on the type of fish tank you have.
6. Certain filters are placed beneath the substrates, that is at the bottom of your tank, and there are also those that are placed at the side of your aquarium. Filters can be very expensive it is not always necessary to buy the priciest one. Many a times the basic filters are also just apt.
7. Your aquarium would also require the right lighting. The fishes respond to light in a very positive manner, yet they need a balance of lights in & out. You can either opt to keep the lighting of the fish tank very basic, or may shift to some very technical settings. For most types of fishes, switching on the basic light for a few hours a day is great.
8. Make sure that your fish tank contains ample amount of plants. They not only beautify the fish tank but also purify the water in the tank by absorbing the chemicals & providing oxygen. The water plants break down water and ammonia. Then these plants filter the ammonia & the bad or contaminated pat of the water that is the portion that contains bacteria. Plants maintain the balance between all the chemicals in the fish tank as the fishes produce lot of ammonia. Also the fish love to hide away in the plants. There are many varieties of fresh water plants to place in your 55 gallon aquarium.
9. In case you do not want to get hassled with the live plants, you can also opt to purchase the plastic ones. Unless and until the fish try to eat the plants, the synthetic plants' variety available out there is so impressive that your fish would never be able to figure out the difference between the real and the plastic plants.
10. Once the tank is all set to welcome your fish, you can choose from a large variety of starter fishes. In case you want to start with the hardy fishes try keeping some live bearers such as barbs, gouramis, and danios. These fishes are naturally capable enough to handle the high nitrate levels in your fish tank.
11. Before adding some new companions for these fishes, wait for a month that is 30 days, so that your earlier fish get acclimated to their tank.
12. Make sure to keep a watch over your fishes else you might never know if they are ill or at unrest. Usually such symptoms show up only after 30 days.
13. While transporting your new fish, be careful and take good guidance form the pet shop from where you purchase them and some trained people in this hobby, else, you might make the fish ill.
14. Ideally a 55 gallon fresh water aquarium is capable enough to handle around 15 to 20 small fishes, in total. Make sure that your fish tank gives them enough space to grow and play healthily.
Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website http://www.Wonder-Homes.com/636/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.
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