The Origin Of Aquariums
In 1369, the Chinese Emperor, Hungwu crafted porcelain tubs in which Goldfish were kept. Over the years, these tubs became smaller and smaller until they reached the size of the Aquariums we have now. In 1841, after 500 years the world came to know of an Aquarium. At that time it was used for toy fish and different plants for an aesthetic value.
As of now, looking after an aquarium and keeping it as an aesthetic piece, is a great hobby that about 60 million people enjoy, out of which 40% have 2 tanks if not more. After stamp collecting, this could be the next best hobby that people have taken to.
Aquariums As An Aesthetic Piece
Once people set up an Aquarium, they feel the need to make it look as beautiful as possible.. Plants, rocks and driftwood are used to make it look as attractive as possible. It should be noted that the fish in the tank should be comfortable with the plants. In order to do this, it is best to make a study of the environment of the fish and choose plants accordingly.
It is a great idea to use living plants - the manner in which they float is a pleasure to watch. But there are some herbivorous fish that thrive on living plants,so if that is the case, you should consider using artificial plants instead. There are innumerable varieties available, and they look so real that sometimes it is impossible to tell the difference.
Driftwood is extremely popular for saltwater aquariums. The only trouble is that it is very costly, and so many people go to the beach to get them. If that is the case, ensure that you wash the driftwood thoroughly, and keep it in a quarantine tank instead of the main one - do this for at least 2 weeks, so that you can match the PH levels. Also rocks could be used to hold the driftwood down.
While using rocks, there are some rocks with very sharp ends - this can be harmful to the fish and cut it?s belly which is very tender. The idea is to keep the fish as safe as possible. If you are putting a cluster of rocks together, you will need to glue them with safe silicone, so that they don?t come apart and hurt the fish. Also, soft rocks are not advisable as they break up in the water. The fish need to be safe, so you will need to provide the ambience while keeping in mind that the fish remain comfortable.
Once you have completed acquascaping your saltwater aquarium, maybe you could consider entering an acquascaping contest which would add to your pleasure.
Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.
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