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Monday, December 2, 2013

Cold Water Aquarium - How To Set Up And Take Care Of One

Coldwater Aquarium As A Hobby

Many people indulge in various hobbies, and an aquarium is one of them. It is extremely popular, and it requires a little time and patience to set it up so that you can enjoy it. To install a coldwater tank is a fun hobby and it can be done with minimum effort. A coldwater tank does not need heating to be installed. All fish cannot survive in this tank - there are only some varieties that survive here without heat like guppies and goldfish, but, of course there are innumerable fish available that could adorn your coldwater tank.

Supplies Required For Coldwater Set-up

You may feel that the supplies you need are endless, but you can go for a smaller and inexpensive list than what is required for a saltwater or a heated tank. Your first requirement is the purchase of a tank. This depends on individual taste as there are so many different dimensions and shapes. There is a kit that is included with the tank, but you need to see that you have an air pump and a filter, as this is the key to the set-up. When purchasing the kit, you must see that the set-up is for a coldwater tank - you will find that there is no heater.

Having bought the tank, you will now need to decorate it. There are innumerable colors of sand and gravel - include some accent plants so that it looks as natural as possible. You may want to add figures to give it a unique look - you will also need an algae scraper and a net.

If the tank that you choose is lit up, you must remember that it will get warm and this will cause algae to increase, but this can be cleaned without any trouble, and since the fish like light, you could go for a tank that comes with light. Remember to keep your tank where the sun?s rays do not hit the tank as the algae will increase.

The next step after your tank is set up is to add the fish - you will need to get coldwater fish of which there are a whole lot of varieties to choose from. You can get tips from a pet store - they will be happy to advise you.

The tank needs to be periodically cleaned at least once in two months, the algae removed, water changed and basically keep the tank spotless, so that you can enjoy the fish and the ambience of the tank. You will find that all the trouble you have taken will be worth it as you will enjoy the fruits of your labor and a hobby that is worth pursuing.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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