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Monday, December 30, 2013

2 Great Freshwater Pets - Harlequin Rasbora And Clown Loach Care Tips

The Cyprinidae family of fish have many fish that are great for aquariums. Some of them are a little easier to maintain than others, but no less fun. This family consists of carps and minnows, which are tiny fish.

The Harlequin Raspbora fish are known for the colorful bodies and high spirit in the tank. One of their main characteristics is the dark triangular shape on the tail end of the fish. It starts in the middle of the body and continues to the end of the fin. These fish, which are part of the Rasbora Heteromorpha family, are popular among freshwater aquariums. They come from Thailand, Eastern Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula and can reach about 1 3/4 length.

Aquarium owners love harlequin fish because they do well in communal tanks. They aren't going to fight with the other fish are get territorial. They enjoy a little bit of everything when it comes to hanging out in the tank. While they they enjoy the top of the tank, they also like little hiding spots to hide in vegetation, but give them plenty of open water to swim in.

Harlequin are friendly fish, but do enjoy their own kind. Try to keep them in a small school, at three to six of them should be in your tank. Not only is this for the fish's sakes, but a group of them are a great sight in your tank as the lights glisten off the fish's shiny, colorful body.

Water conditions: These freshwater fish are easy to care for as long as you do the right thing. The water for the harlequin fish should be kept around 76 degrees Farhenheit. They enjoy soft water and peaty water. Use a peat bag in your filter for them. The water should also be slightly acidic. Keep the pH in the 6.0 to 6.5 range.

Aquarium conditions: Consider live plants for the harlequin's aquarium. Find plants that are native to the harlequins natural habitat. These fish also prefer dim lighting. It's best to find plants and other fish that will enjoy the same environment.

Feeding: The harlequin is perfect when it comes to food. They aren't demanding and will eat many things. Try flakes, dried, frozen and live foods. By giving them a good diet range, you can make sure they won't have any digestive problems.

Loaches are interesting freshwater fish. These are the scavengers in your freshwater aquarium. They tend to stay around the bottom of the tank feeding on anything they could find. Many live in low quality water such as murky rivers and have adapted by coming up to the surface and breathing in atmospheric oxygen. One of the more popular loaches for aquariums is the clown loach. They make interesting fish to keep because they also eat the algae in the tank, making cleaning a little easier.

Water conditions: The temperature should be pretty warm. They like it to be around 84 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH around 6.5. Loaches are sensitive to water quality. Keep the water clean with a good filter. Also, the clown loaches prefers a higher moving current just like their freshwater environment.

Aquarium conditions: Line the bottom of the tank with sand or gravel that the clown can dig into. You should have live plants in the tank, but this will change based on the clown loach. A young loach can keep with most plant species, but adult loaches prefer plants such as the java fern and anubias. The clown loaches live to hid, so the more places they can squeeze into, the happier they will be. Don't worry if the loach digs himself into a hole. He's just relaxing.

There are so many different freshwater fish to choose for your aquarium, it's going to be hard to pick just one. Find the ones you are going to enjoy most and take great care of them.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Fresh Water Guppy Care - 20 Tips To Keep Them Healthy

When it comes to the fresh water aquariums, guppy is probably the most common fish that people love to maintain. Though they are not that tough to maintain, these have their own requisites to live healthy. Some tips that will help your guppies live longer, happier and healthy are as follows:

1. These are hard water fishes that can well adapt to the minor fluctuations in the water quality. Still, you must to minimize the fluctuations as this causes stress to your fishes.

2. 72 to 82 degrees is the perfect temperature of water for an aquarium providing home to the guppy fishes.

3. P.H. level that is apt for an aquarium homing guppies is 7.0 and 8.2. A

4. The specifications that need to be maintained for guppies are quite easy as compared to the other tropical and marine fishes.

5. Guppies mature quite quickly. Their usual full grown size is around 1.5 to 2 inches long.

6. These little fishes with their tails resembling the feathery fan make the aquarium pretty attractive and interesting.

7. Guppies are quite playful thereby it?s great fun to watch them swim across the aquarium.

8. For any living beings food is a necessity. In case of guppies you must understand that they can eat nearly everything. But their favorite food is frozen and the flake foods.

9. You should feed a guppy around three times a day.

10. Make sure that you feed it in very small quantities.

11. Supply it its favorite food especially when the babies are in their, as in the absence or scarcity of food, the guppies tend to eat their young ones.

12. Like any other aquarium, the guppy fishes also need regular change of water. Though it must be done after every week or every fortnight, the sure indication to change water is when it starts smelling or gets cloudy.

13. At a time, change only one third of the water. This would minimize the water fluctuations for the fishes and that means less stress for the fishes.

14. Making your pet happy automatically makes it healthy. Creating a very home like atmosphere for your guppies would make them very happy. Like add varied types of plants where thy can hide.

15. Consider maintaining around 1 to 2 inches substrate at the bottom of your tank.

16. Guppies love the colored rocks and the dead crushed coral. Adding these two to the aquarium would make it visibly quite attractive and give pleasure to your guppies.

17. Some known guppies to choose from are Flagtail, Fantail, Deltatail, Spadetail, Roundtail, etc. Guppies are known for their attractive, remarkable and unique tails that form nearly one third of its entire body.

18. While keeping guppies with any other breed in the aquarium you must understand the guppies are the easiest prey owing to their delicate and long tail. So beware that with what breed you mix it with.

19. Guppies breed every 3 to 4 weeks that is very frequently and they can also breed with the other fishes. So, very soon you could find an overcrowded aquarium.

20. In case you do not ant any cross breeding, simply keep the fishes in different aquariums.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Cleaning Your Fresh Water Aquarium - 6 Easy Steps

There are several hobbies one can have that turn in to real passion some day. One among them is maintaining an aquarium. This hobby though is a serious one as there is no room for mistakes else you shall land up harming or killing a living creature.

The first and foremost thing you must understand before deciding to take care of an aquarium and its fishes is to know the right technique to clean your fresh water aquarium. This process needs lot of patience and knowledge else you might land up killing those beautiful creatures. The beginners in this field would benefit a lot from these tips.

When it comes to cleaning a fresh water aquarium, there are two main factors that you must consider:

1. When should you clean the tank?
2. Why should you clean your tank?

Well, the answers to these questions are as follows:

At regular time intervals the bacteria and other harmful chemicals that generate in the water of the tank develop algae, that is, very harmful for your fish. It might also make your fish ill or lead to their death. So you must clean the fresh water fish tank once in every 2 months to get rid of these harmful algae.

Following some easy steps, you give a clean, safe and healthy life to your fishes. These are as follows:

Step 1: Preparation for Cleaning the Fish Tank

The basic step before cleaning the aquarium obviously is to empty it first. But, emptying the fish tank naturally means placing your fish out somewhere, where they are safe.

But it won't be good to leave your fishes in a new place for very long, so before emptying the fish tank, you must keep all the required material to clean the tank handy enough to do the job as quickly as possible.

So the first thing you arrange for is the alternate tank to keep your fish that need not be very large but it should be large enough to place all your fishes and allowing them enough space to swim. Not to mention, the size of this alternate tank purely depends on the number of fishes you have.

Now here is a list of the things you require to clean the tank:

i. A fish net to take our your fish from the tank
ii. A towel and/or paper towels in order to wipe away the spills
iii. A water pitcher and/or a bucket to refill the tank
iv. A food drainer
v. A clean sponge
vi. A clean rag

Step 2: Removing the Fish from the Tank

You must take care of the following things while removing the fishes from the fish tank:

i. Make sure that the alternate container is also set to place the fish in it.
ii. The temperature of water in the alternate container must be almost similar to that in the fish tank or the fishes would go in to shock.
iii. Place the fishes one-by-one in the new container. You can do this by catching each fish with a net.
iv. The moment all the fishes are placed in the alternate container place it in a clean and safe place where you are sure that the water won't spill.
v. Remember when you place the fishes in a new place for the beginning they make a lot of movement which might lead to spilling of the water. So the container must be selected accordingly. These movements are also considerably reduced with the right temperature of water.

Step 3: Removing Old Water from the Fish Tank

Once you have moved your fish out of the tank, now its time to empty the water in the fish tank. This could be the messiest job out of all the process, so here are a few tips to make it easy:

i. Use a pitcher or small bucket to remove the water of the fish tank.
ii. Dispose this water in to the toilet or a sink.
iii. Try not to remove the entire water form the fish tank.
iv. Usually in case of a fresh water aquarium you should empty 3/4th part of the total water.
v. The rest 1/4th helps you in the acclimation of the new water that you would add later.

Step 4: Removing & Cleaning the Gravel in the Tank

Most of the dirt & waste of the fish tank gathers in the gravel placed at the bottom. So cleaning it well is indeed very important. Here are some simple tips to clean the gravel:
i. First remove all the gravel from the tank.
ii. For this you can make use of the following equipments:
à a fish net,
à a dust pan, and
à a small scoop.
iii. Now place the gravel in some type of strainer.
iv. Place this strainer filled with gravel under hot water.
v. Keep mixing the gravel while rinsing it, in order to get rid of all sediments and wastes that have settled down.
vi. Now place it aside safely, as we shall add to the fish tank later.

Step 5: Cleaning Your Tank

This step refers to cleaning the inside portion of the tank. Here are some tips on the same:

i. Here your main job is to clean up the algae built inside the tank.
ii. Algae builds up when the temperature of the water in the tank is to warm or the fish tank is exposed to direct sunlight.
iii. To clean the algae you should use a scratch pad, but make sure to choose a scratch pad that is least abrasive, else you shall land making scratches on the glass of the fish tank.
iv. Use hot water to clean the glass, this way you shall remove the algae more effectively.
v. Remember you should never use any cleaners or detergents to clean the glass of the fish tank, as these are extremely harmful for the fishes.
vi. Once the algae are removed, you must wipe the rest of your tank with the help of a towel or a soft rag. Remember you might have to repeat this at least a few times.
vii. Make sure that you rinse the rag and/or towel frequently while cleaning so as to remove all the wastes.
viii. In case you have placed some decorative pieces in your tank, wash and rinse them well with hot water.
ix. Make a final check that the tank is absolutely free of all wastes and build-ups.

Step 6: Placing up the Tank Again

Now when all the items of the inside of the tank are washed well and the container is all clean, its time place everything back in to position. Here are some steps of doing the same:

i. First of all place the gravel - from back to front.
ii. Next, fill in the tank with water.
iii. Check on the temperature of the water and make sure it is in tandem you?re your usual one.
iv. Try adding water with the similar temperature that you have to achieve at the end.
v. Now place all the decorative pieces back in to place in the fish tank.
vi. Now its time to place your fish back to their home.
vii. Your fish might take some time to adapt to the new water but after all these steps, you have ensured that the water is clean and healthy enough for your fishes.

Some other tips you must keep in mind are as follows:

1. Cleaning of the fish tank must be done every 2 months.
2. Always keep the filters of the tank clean. Clean them or change them at regular basis and never leave them dirty.
3. If you change around 20% of the water of the fish tank every month, the cleaning that is to be done every two months would get less tedious.
4. In order to have a healthy fish tank and happy fishes, it is a must to keep your aquarium clean and safe all the time.
5. This would not only add beauty and life to your pets, but also make your aquarium a loveable sight for one and all.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mollies And Guppies - Learn More About Keeping Aquarium Fish

The Mollies belong to the Poecilia family and are easy to keep in a tank environment; they are akin to the swordtail fish, which belongs to the Xiphophorus helleri group. It has a larger fin than the swordtail, called and mollies can be of many different shapes and size, reaching up to 4 3-quarter inches sometimes with only the males being an inch or so smaller; the males and females differ in size, coloring and gonopodium but both sexes adapt to different living surroundings rather well.

From living in an estuary habitat to varying temperatures in a natural environment, Mollies can adapt to heat conditions ranging from 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit, preferably in hard water conditions (pH level of 7 or 8), which means bright lighting and a certain brackishness should be present in the water besides a variety of suitable plants.

The dietary habits of Mollies include feeding on veggies, like spinach and algae and they are more comfortable in areas that have a constant water flow. Being livebearers, Mollies typically spawn plentifully due to a lively disposition and ability to adapt easily in a communal tank set-up.

As for the Guppy fish, these belong to the Poecilia reticulata family and are off-shoots of the Poeciliidae family; found mainly in Guyana, Venezuela and Brazilian waters, they can be traced around the waters surrounding Trinidad and Barbados as well since the kind of environment enjoyed here benefits them: this means a temperature range of 68 degrees to 75 degrees Fahrenheit with pH levels as preferred by Mollies.

The Guppies can live in hard water well enough so long as there is plenty of lighting, added plant vegetation and assorted foodstuff made available to them in the tank environment. Being loose-school natured fish, the Guppies need to be on the go constantly with good tank breeding potential even as they eat their young, they still manage to reproduce easily enough in community living.

Learning about the easiest kind of fish to keep in a home aquarium is the first step towards ensuring you are an informed hobbyist; the next step is to learn about the different kinds of aquariums available and which type is best to duplicate a natural ecosystem aided by advanced technology to provide healthy air and water conditions for the inmates of the tank.

Innovative design technology has taken over the huge market for aquariums today, which now come fitted with electrical circuity of the best kind, plugs, filtration and oxygenation systems, besides temperature control devices to raise or lower the heat in the water! The enviable choice in lighting for tanks enables an owner today to invest in automatic or mechanical switches besides automated feeders to ensure fish are fed in time besides a host of other accessories that make community living a comfortable option for fish owners looking for variety in aquatic life.

Of course, it pays to learn about the kind of fish that can harmoniously co-exist with other varieties, including marine or non-marine species and tropical and coldwater fish.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Barbs and Puntius Aquarium Fish - Tip On Their Care

Learning about fish care and how to maintain an aquarium is very important if you want to own fish. As living beings fish need a lot of attention, some food, oxygen, water and a clean environment to live in. You need to make a commitment if want fish to take care of, but if you want something easier to look after then you should, perhaps, collect rocks instead. In today's modern world, the aquariums are quite self-sufficient with tanks that have alls sorts of switches with controls to regulate them. There are lights, filters, pumps, food, dosage control and many other gadgets which you can purchase. You can soon learn how to look after after fish and plants without much stress over whether the water conditions are right and if it is pure enough. You can buy testing kits to measure the waters chemical intake, so that you can correct it if necessary. There are breeds of fish that you might want to consider when setting up your aquarium

Barbs belong to the largest groups of fish with many varieties for your aquarium and its waters. These fish are made up of colourful patterns and are usually happy in nature. Being very fish they are not too fussy when it comes to water conditions so are the easiest to feed. This is a good choice of fish to breed. Barbs will grow to 2 inches, 3 inches, or a larger size. Separate them and put them in communal tanks, with the smaller ones together, and the larger ones in a separate tank. The larger ones are nice to look out but will rip apart such goodies as the plants in the aquarium. Read up on all you can about the larger barbs which can brew up some trouble in a tank. As these fish breed, you should feed infusoria to the fry right from the beginning. Saltwater shrimp can be digested by the larger barbs.

How Barbs Live

A large, well oxyenated tank is preferable for barbs so it has plenty of room to swim around in. Smaller tanks make them feel stressed and more likely to cause some sort of disturbance.

The Eggs

When barbs lay their eggs they stick, so the aquarium should be laid with pebble all over the bottom, with plants of a high volume which is the ideal habitat for them. It is optional to place nylon and willow root. These fish are greedy, and the adult fish should be removed from the tank after spawning, as they will the youngsters.

The Red Barb or the Rosy Barb fish are the commonly known Puntius Conchonius. They originate from India, growing to a size of 2 1/2 inches. These fish have bodies of a silvery colour which light up well in a good, clean tank, showing off their deep rosy red. They can also change to a pale green shade. There are black tints which set off their fins. This fish is energetic, but has a quiet, calm nature. They are better off houses with fish of a similar size due to its boisterous side.

The Water Condition

The Puntius live in waters which are quite neutral and alkaline, and also the moderately hard waters. Temperatures of the water should be set at 78 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a choice fish if you are breeding for the first time as it will eat anything and likes to eat well. They spawn up to 300 layers.

Puntius Nigrofasciatus are closely related to the Puntius Conchonius which fish known as the Purple Head Barbs or the Black Ruby. These fish dwell in Ceylon and grow up to a size of around 2 1/2 inches. The males are different in colour to the females which usually have dark stripes, vertical to a body of yellowish-grey. Also an easy fish to breed, most water conditions are tolerated and foods too.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Aquarium And Fish Care - Answers To 4 Frequently Asked Questions

All over the world aquariums are the new ecosystems of today. The pollution of air and water has made people try hare to preserve nature. Today, Aquariums are being constructed by people with technology. Hence today you are able to buy aquariums which are designed like real nature. Hence the aquariums are like substitutes for beautiful nature.

These days you can buy tanks in which water can be raised and lowered. The intensity of the lights varies too. Apart from this you have a huge variety of switches, to off and on the intensity of the lights with automatic timers.

Maintaining Tanks are easier today as you have filtration system to clean the water of pollutants. Also the procedures being electrically controlled are easy to maintain Usage of automatic devices make food and the dosage easy. Water tanks come in all types of shapes and sizes and resistant water tanks as well. Tank quality and electrical security has become advanced today.

Apart from this, different types of plants and fishes can be stocked in a single fish tank. The fish tank adds to the beauty of the surroundings and eases stress on you. These days choosing a fish tank is easy. Most of the tanks these days have panels that are made up of glass and sealed with silicon. Also, the aquariums today come in several sizes, different weight capacity, thickness and security

1. Does the sealant affect the cleaning and the fish?
Not if the sealant is lesser than or more than 1mm and or 1/16 inches. You have to ensure that the sealants are non-toxic and watertight while cleaning the tank. Large tanks should hold 20 gallons of water.

2. How should the aquarium be positioned?
The aquarium should be placed on a strong sturdy stand depending on the size of the tank The capacity of the tank and water is measured by multiplying length, width and height of the aquarium. For example, for every one gallon of water the tank holds the water weight alone will be 10 pounds. In case you have a tank that is larger, you will have to divide the multiplied result by 1000. This figure will be in litre. By multiplying and dividing a large aquarium you will be able to get a tank capacity of ½ ton. You will also have to ensure that the floor underneath the stand can withstand the weight. Placing large aquariums on weight bearing beams is recommended as also against walls. For safety, aquariums are best avoided being placed near doors and windows or near heaters.

3. How to choose an aquarium?
The basic thing that you need is a tank, a strong and sturdy stand, proper lighting, thermostat, and heater and filtration equipment. You will also have to consider the decors, plants etc., The decorations should include roots, substrates, stones etc. Ideally, the water should be neutralised against chemicals like chlorine etc. You will also need a bucket, a net and not to forget the food for the fish.

4. How to choose filters?
Filtration system basically should include biological, chemical and mechanical filters. These filters should also include external, internal and under-gravel filtrating systems. The external filtration system costs around $150. The under-gravel filtration system is not efficient but combining under-gravel system with an external or internal filter system can give you good result.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Pomacentridae Fish Types - Useful Tips On Their Care

The Clown Anemone Fish

The Clown Anemone fish belongs to the Pomacentridae family which consist of the Amphiprion Rubrocintus and the Amphiprion Ocellaris. Another name for Amphiprion Ocellaris is the Clown Anemone Fish. A second fish is called the Red Gridled Anemone.

The Clown fish likes to eat smaller fish. Their habitat is in the Indo-Pacific, Japanese and Australian waters. Their bodies have a rectangular shape and they are bright orange in color - the head is of a lighter orange hue - there are black edges with white perpendicular bars. They grow up to 3 inches. They are found in "Finding Nemo" and Nemo and his father are depicted as Clown Anemones.

Water temperatures need to be maintained between 77 and 82 degrees F and the PH balance should be 8. The water density range should be 1.023. They prefer good light and enjoy a sandy base. There is also a need for substrate, so that they can dig themselves in. These fish are costly to maintain, and as you can see in "Finding Nemo" these fish like the feeling of luxury. They need to be kept in the same tank without giant anemones so that they are safe.

The Red-Gridled Anemone, The Orange Fin Anemone And The Black Back Anemone

These fish are also from the Pomacentridae family and they live in the Japanese, Indo-Pacific and Australian oceans. Their tank temperature should be between 75 and 86 degrees F and their water density should be kept at 1.020 or 1.023. The PH balance should be 8.3. As with the Clown fish, these fish also like luxury and like well furnished homes with plenty of good lights. Stones should be included in the tank. These fish are also expensive to keep.

Their coloring is similar to the Clown fish, but the eyes are yellowish which is slightly different. They also grow up to 3 inches.

The Orange Fin Anemone and the Black Back Anemone also belong to the Pomacentridae family. It is difficult to tell whether the Black Back Fish or the Orange Fin is more attractive. The Orange Fin has a yellowish orange hue and there are vertical white bars by the eyes and the end of the body. There are little black tints on the white. The Black Back fish also has orange colors that contrast with the white, but unfortunately they lose their hue when they mature. Whereas the Black Back fish has its habitat in the Andaman Seas, the Orange Fin Fish lives in the Indo-Pacific Ocean.

There are innumerable articles on the Web which will give you all the information about the Pomacentridae family of fishes, so if you are interested, you can glean as much information as you can, particularly if you want to indulge in this hobby.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

4 Tropical Freshwater Fish - Simple Tips To Keep Them Happy

1. Angel Fish

The angel fish is listed under the category of Holacanthus Trimaculatus and connected to the Timaculatus group. They are stunning with their bluish lips on a gold colored body in contrast. The three spot variety of this fish belongs to the Pacific and the Indian oceans. The shape is a lot like that of the butterfly fish. The bluish band on the throat area stands out against a gold or orange background skin. It has been given the name thanks to its patches on the top and the colors on the rim of its flaps. It also owes its name to the color on top of its head. It has black on the exterior of the anal fins, and white on the other side. It can grow to as much as ten inches in length. It likes feeding on larvae, plants and smaller creatures and likes living in the same conditions as the butterfly fish does. Angelfish do adapt to their surrounding life forms, but it is recommended they be kept in isolation.

2. Pajama Cardinal

The Pajama Cardinal belongs to the Apogonidae family, and it finds its origins in Indo-Australian and Chinese waters. This fish prefers life in the shaded areas. It likes water temperatures between seventy five and eighty degrees. They love to hide behind things, so a few props in the fish tank will keep them happy, and remember to not disturb them with bright lights. They eat plankton and other smaller fish. Although the fish is short in length it has a very deep shaped body with impressive fins. It has a large head and a distinct thread like dorsal area. Its large mouth and eyes make it very pleasing to watch in the tank. The Pajama Cardinal could be colored in shades of orange, red and brown. It is a peaceful fish and can learn from its surroundings. This fish can eat live bait and can grow up to five inches in length.

3. Yellow Tail Anemone

The yellow tail Anemone belongs to the Amphiprion Clarki category belonging to the Pomacentridae family. It likes hanging around the bottom of the aquarium, and this leads one to believe it is not as social as the other categories mentioned. Housing them with other fish like themselves will keep them happy.

4. Frogfish

The frogfish is a fish from the Antennarius group and belongs the Anennaridae family. It prefers warm water to live in. It is a territorial natured fish so you need to place only compatible company in its surroundings. Keep them with other larger fish to keep them in place! But do not keep them with hostile fish that are so much bigger that they would not be able to defend themselves. However, take exceptional note of this warning. The frogfish is known to eat fish that are even bigger than its own self, in the tank.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Fresh Water Fish Care - Useful Tips For Beginners

Freshwater are a lot easier to take care of than saltwater fish. If you are just deciding to own fish for the first time, start with freshwater fish. This is a great starter and a good way to practice.

There are many different types of freshwater fish available. You won't have to stick with a little goldfish swimming around your bowl if you don't want one. There are tropical fish, which come in an assortment of colors, and cold water fish that don't need to have the temperature regulated too much.

When deciding between what types of fish you want to get, think of the differences between fresh and saltwater fish first. Saltwater fish thrive in reef tanks that have underwater ridges with rock and coral. Freshwater fish wouldn't really do well in reef tanks because, like goldfish, they receive oxygen from the surface of the tank.

Goldfish are ornamental fish, which generally resemble a gold hue with their color. These come from eastern Asia water. These fish are great little pets for children because they don't take much care. You find children winning them at carnivals or fairs, but be careful, because sometimes they don't last very long.

When you get your freshwater tank, the next thing you want to do is pick a place in the home to keep it. Look for a place that is going to remain a constant temperature. This means avoiding places around the house neat windows or doors. And, especially don't put the tank near a heater. You are going to need other items for the tank such as a water filter (very important), gravel, test kits and other equipment. Don't forget about the food because without that your other purchases will go to waste.

You have to get the right filter for a freshwater tank. Make sure the filter is going to clean the water if any impurities and it is going to handle the size of the tank. Filters can be internal, external or under gravel. If you use tap water, you might want to use a water purifications system before putting it into the tank. External filters cost the most out of the ones on the list. You should consider an external filter is you have many elements in the tank besides the fish such as plants, rocks or a school of fish. All of these things will lead to impurities in the water. One of the benefits of an external filter for a freshwater tank is maintenance. It is much easier to care for than an internal or under-gravel filter.

Internal filters are most popular though because they are cheaper than external filters and more efficient than under-gravel filters. There are different varieties of internal filters. You can get some that have special alerts to let you know when it is time to clean the filter and tank. If you choose to get an under-gravel filtration system, it is recommended that you can combine with another type of filter to maintain a safe environment.

Another thing you want to consider for your freshwater tank is if you need a heater. For cold-water fish, such as gold fish, this isn't necessary. However, if you have any sort of tropical fish or fish that come from warm parts of the world, you will need a heater to sustain the fish. If the temperature is too cold, the fish will die, but there opposite if also true. You have to maintain a very specific temperature for these fish. Check the maintenance guide for different fish to see what temperature is best for them.

If you are going to own freshwater fish, filters and heaters (and don't forget the food) are going to be the most important elements for a fresh water tank.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Testing Aquarium Hardwater - Regular Technique Revealed

A change in the hardness of the water in your aquarium can lead to devastation. It is important that you learn how to test and regulate the hardness of the water in the tank. If you are a beginner in this aquatic hobby it is best that you read a few books and talk to experienced people about the maintenance of an aquarium at home.

Though food and cleanliness are very important for the healthy marine life you intend to nourish in your fish tank at home there is another factor that is of prime importance - the temperature and the Ph level of the water. This is a very difficult thing to determine as there are no visible indications of an imbalance until it is too late and begins to show on the health the fish in the tank. This is why it is important to regularly test the water in the tank for hardness.

By closely monitoring the precursors that are tell tale sign of any abnormality in the tank an observant aquarium owner will be able to take preventive measures well in time to avoid any loss of marine life in the aquarium.

Water tends to develop carbonate hardness, known as Ph in scientific circles. There are instruments available for the home aquarium owner to constantly test the levels of carbonate hardness as this is what leads to hardness of water. These instruments are freely available at the local pet store and are not expensive at all. This is a good investment for your fish tank. Oscillations in the Ph level of the water is bad as it stresses out the fish making them prone to sickness.

If the immune system of the fish is low, simply placing your hands in the tank will set off an epidemic that could wipe out your marine life in the tank. If you find that the hardness of the water is high, test some tap water after letting it stand for 3 hours. You will find that the hardness of the water is fairly lower than the water in the tank. You can then remove the equivalent quantity of the water from the tank and replace it with the water from the bucket. This will bring down the Ph level of the water in the tank. Repeat the process if required.

One indication of water hardening in the tank is the tell-tale signs from the white deposits that begin to appear on the glass of the tank at the surface of the water. A keen eye for rising Ph levels will only serve in adding life and health your your fish.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Multicolored Marine Aquarium Fish - Effective Tips On Fish Care

Included in Marine Fish are the Acanthurus Leucosternon and Acanthurus Lineadae. The Powder Blue Surgeonfish is the first breed and is a member of the Acanthuridae family, to be found living in the tropical regions near the Indian and Pacific oceans. This fish is a pressed oval shape with a mouth that is small in size and pectoral fins which are long. It also has caudal fins, which in addition, has low, shallow notches around them. You can recognise a Powder Blue Surgeonfish by a black masking face, a sky blue body, a lower jaw with yellow stripes around and a striped scalpel spine. These mulitcolours are contrasted by white bars. The Powder Blue Surgeonfish can grow to a size of 11 3/4 inches.

Environment for a Powder Blue Surgeonfish

Water temperatures of 77-84 degrees Fahrenheit are preferred by the Powder Blue Surgeonfish. Substrate environments are ideal with a pH level of 8.2-9.4. At all times, you should keep the water density at around 1.020. You should have a large tank with a sandy bottom, and some good lighting is essential. The Powder Blue Surgeonfish is a good tank fish to have as it feeds on algae, but it will eat smaller creatures. They also like to eat the flesh of the Enchytraea mussels. There are particular shrimps like the Mysis, which the fish will eat. Dried foodstuffs and vegetables are also foods that the Powder Blue Surgeonfish like, so it does have a varied diet.

The nature of the Powder Blue Surgeonfish is biological, being full of energy and always running around. This fish does like to roam around on its own, so beware of trying to put this fish in a tank with others.

Acanthurus Lineatus

The Clown Surgeonfish is a member of the Acanthuridae family of fish. They habitat in many different areas to be found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Although ugly in difference, they do appear to be very appealing. The colours of these fish are electric or powder blue, gray-blue and violet, mixed with brownish pinstripes. The Clown Surgeonfish will grow to a length of 8 inches and has a caudal fin which is narrow. They prefer their water temperatures to be 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH balance level is over 8 with a water density to be kept at 1.023. This fish likes good lighting with plenty of corners to hide in, as well as running around some luxury furnishings in the tank. Vary the foodstuff, as the fish doesn't adapt well to aquarium foods as it likes to feed on zooplanktons (consisting of microscopic animals, such as the protozoan).

The Clown Surgeonfish has a nervous disposition and does not acclimatise well in the environment of an aquarium. It can also be anti-social and should be placed with other fish of its kind. Be careful when handling the Clown Surgeonfish as it has a spiny tail which can be very painful if you are wounded.

The Gold Rim Surgeonfish belongs to the family of Acanthuridae fish, under Acanthurus Glaucopareius. This fish is to be found in the tropical regions of the Indian and Pacific ocean. They are coloured violet and a brown tinted shade offset against blue/orange fins. There is a white edging on the fins which offset white striped cheeks, which in turn also offset the mouth and eyes. This fish will grow to a size of a huge 13 3/4 inches. The water temperature of their dwellings are between 75-77 degrees Fahrenheit, with a pH level of 8 and water density should be consistent at 1.027. The tank should be arranged with sand as well stones placed around the bottom, with some good lighting for the critters. Again, the Gold Rim Surgeonfish likes a surplus demand of furnishings, within a substrate environment. Being finicky, this fish prefers a variation of foods when being fed. This fish is also biological in nature and very known for its active swimming.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Raising Coral In Saltwater Aquariums - Great Tips And Advice

Many people are very passionate about making their home aquarium look like a piece of the ocean that has been transplanted in their homes. Some people will take pains in cultivating their aquarium themselves while some will just like to go out and buy their whole kit, tank, filter, lighting plants fish and all. This may be an easier way to create a good aquarium, however, the fun way is to start with the basics and grow your own fish and plants.

Some people are pretty good at breeding their own fish and have formed groups where they can exchange their home grown aquarium plants, fish and coral as well. There is a certain joy in seeing your efforts take definite shape in the form of aquatic plants and marine life.

Attempting to start a reef in your aquarium is not the sort of advice gurus will dole out to beginners in this hobby. One is advised to start with a small aquarium that houses fish only. Once you have a few months of experience in caring for the fish in the aquarium you can move on to trying your hand at breeding fish, then plants in the aquarium. After about a year you will be ready to try your hand at growing coral in the tank.

Before you rush out to get yourself some coral reef for the tank, remember that you are not just placing a piece of rock to your aquarium. These are actually called Polyps and are tiny invertebrate living organisms. The existence of these polyps in your saltwater tank depends on your ability to provide proper lighting, food and salt water.

In order for the coral reef to survive you must provide good saltwater to the tank at regular intervals. If you change the water abruptly you are likely to send your polyps into a state of shock and ultimately lose them. You will know the coral is in trouble by the discoloring of the reef. In addition you must be able to provide a proper pump to produce a strong current in the water as this is very important for the coral's survival.

You must never forget that corals are living organisms and require food. Many people of the wrong belief that corals feed like other plants in the water, on photosynthesis. Nothing could be further from the truth. Corals need to be fed, like the other fish in the aquarium, at least 3 times a week. Frozen food is best for coral reef in the tank. Any coral food purchased from the pet store that has been open for more than 5 months must be discarded. Liquid or bottled food is available from the pet store and is best suited for the coral as they do not dirty the aquarium.

Believe it or not large polyps feed on pieces of minced meat! What do you know - from plants to carnivores! However, remember if the polyps are too small they will starve because the large pieces of minced meat will not be of any use to them. So stick to the prepared food from the pet store.

If you have done your research and have a good supply of nutrients from the store you will have your coral reef in your living room in no time at all.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Hemigrammus Care Explained - 3 Interesting Varieties For Your Aquarium

Hemigrammus are a group of certain kind of popular fish that are easily maintained in captivity. Hemigrammus fish have more popular names than the species name. Hemigrammus rhodostomus is better known as the Rummynose Tetra. The Hyphessobrycon Flammeus, the Flame Tetra, falls within this group. The hemigrammus erythrozonus is known as the Glowlight Tetra. Here are some other quick examples: Hemigrammus Caudovittatus (Buenos Aires Tetra) and Hemigrammus Pulcher (Pretty Tetra).

This group is very popular because they are easy to own. Many of them are also very pretty with great colors throughout their bodies.

1. The Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus) is a very easy to fish to maintain. The freshwater fish will only grow to about two inches in length. They came from Guyana. The fish gets its name from having a small glow to its body, usually red in color. However, this could change if the fish is kept in an unfavorable environment.

Aquarium Conditions: The Glowlight Tetra should always be kept in fresh water. The temperature should be between 75-70 degrees Fahrenheit. They should be kept in dim lighting with lots of vegetation. However, keep some pockets for the fish to swim around in the open. Glowlight Tetra should be in large groups. There should never be less than 10 in your tank.

Feeding: Feeding the Glowlight Tetra is easy. The colorful fish takes flakes.

How to breed: It's hard to get these fish to breed, though, it will happen more often than with other tetra. The fry will hatch within 24 hours and are swimming in three to four days. Feed the fry newly hatched brine shrimp and mircoworms.

2. Rummynose Tetra are found in the Amazon basin. These fish have a clear-looking or silver body with a bright red nose, which is where the name is derived from. They can grow up to two inches.

Aquarium Conditions: The water should be kept between 75-78 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH between 6.0-7.5. Plants and vegetation should be around the edges of the tank with enough space for the fish to dart around, but keep open water in the middle of the tank for them to swim. Be mindful of these fish because they are sensitive to rapid environment changes. Rummynose Tetra should be kept with many fish of its own kind.

Feeding: Rummynose tetra are like your little brother. They will eat anything. Fish flakes work well.

How to breed: These animals are very hard to breed. They require soft water, slightly acidic. The fish that breeds should be taken out of the environment once it scatters all of its eggs. The fry will hatch within a few days.

3. Hyphessobrycon Flammeus, or Flame Tetra, live around South America. They are small fish and get to be about 1 1/2 to 2 inches in size. The front of the body is bright yellow and turns into a majestic orange the closer to the tail.

Aquarium Conditions: The temperature of the aquarium should sit around 75 degrees Fahrenheit and stay between 6.0 to 8.0 pH levels. The Flame Tetra likes lots of plants to hide in. Make sure there is lots of vegetation in the aquarium. These fish also like dim lighting and to be kept in schools.

Feeding: The Flame Tetra takes flakes.

How to breed: These fish are very easy to breed, but remove the parents when the eggs have been laid. The parents like to eat them. About 250 eggs will be laid and it till take about one to two days for the fry to hatch.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Freshwater Aquariums - Simple Tips To Get You Started

If you have finally decided to take the plunge and own an aquarium there are certain things you should do before plucking down any of your money. First, make a list of everything you want and the type of fish you want to own. You can do this by browsing the Internet and seeing what is available. You can also go to a pet shop and check the selection. Once you have decided on what kind of fish you want, do some research to make sure you aren't buying fish that like to eat each other. You also need fish that enjoy the same type of environment (water and pH level). When exploring different options you will find freshwater fish are better to sustain than saltwater. Freshwater fish are hardy and handle changes in water conditions better.

As a beginner, you might think tropical saltwater fish are pretty and these are the fish you want. Let's consider the basics of fish first and see why freshwater fish are better for beginners. A fish needs water to live. We all know this. Freshwater fish absorbs water through its body. However, saltwater fish have to drink it because the body's fluids leave the skin by osmosis. Salt is excreted through the skin in the form of urine.

Freshwater fish also have a large range when it comes to water temperature sometimes up to ten degrees. Many saltwater fish have little room for error. They tend to need temperatures that can only fluctuate two to five degrees.

If you are just starting out, maintaining the right water level is going to be hard. Just be patient and keep at it. Eventually you will figure out the tricks to keep the water regulated. If the freshwater fish do happen to pass while under you care, don't take this is a failure. They are sensitive creatures and you are going to learn more about balancing the water. Speak to pet shop employees or go online to get extra tips to maintain the proper water conditions.

When you first get the freshwater aquarium, set it up and let it run for at least 24 hours before adding any fish. This is the time to regulate the water and get it under the right conditions. During this period, set up the filter and any plant life you want in the tank. (Live plants are a great way to reduce ammonia). Check the ammonia and nitrate levels. When you do finally add fish to the tank, start small. Only put three to four fish. You want to wait about a month before you put anymore in for a couple of reason. First, you want the fish to get used the environment because with too many the fish might get stressed. Second, there is an incubation time with diseases. You want to ensure the fish are healthy before contaminating others. Monitor the temperature, pH, ammonia and nitrate levels.

Feeding freshwater fish is relatively easy. You only need to feed them twice a day. However, be careful of overfeeding. This is a common rookie mistake. Put small amounts of food in the tank. These should be gobbled up within five minutes. Any extra food, scoop out because it will cause debris in the tank and possibly add toxins to the water.

When it comes to the filter, you want to follow the manufacturer?s specs on replacing it. The filter is important because it keeps the water clean for the fish. Without a good, clean filter the fish won't thrive.

These are some basic tips for caring for your freshwater aquarium. If you have other questions speak to pet shop workers or get some books from the local library. There is plenty information available to help care for freshwater aquariums.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Aquariums And Fish Care - Must-Knows Of Fish Care

Aquariums bring nature into your homes. Water and air pollution is rampant these days. So today's aquariums which are in essence ecosystems of green color, are very popular in homes across the globe. It is as if people are trying to preserve what they can of nature inside their concrete homes. These small ecosystems are designed by technological experts hence they represent real water environments which in a way serve as nature substitutes.

These days, tanks are sold wherein you are allowed to lower or raise the water and vary the intensity of lights. Not only that, a wide variety of switches are at your disposal with automatic timers, which enable you to change the intensity of lights and the water as well.

The modern tanks are easy to maintain since filtration systems can be used for purification of water to maintain it clear and free from pollutants. Additionally, electrically controlled procedures are put in place to maintain optimum values of water. Food and dosage are also maintained by the automated devices. The modern tank quality has advanced so much that you get tanks in all shapes and sizes which are break resistant as well as electrically secure.

A single tank can accommodate lots of plants and fish. They provide a welcome relief from the day's stress and are ideal nature enhancements in your environments. It is very easy to choose a tank now as a lot of variety in sizes, thickness of glass, capacity, weight and security are available. Most of the tanks are made of glass panels which are joined with silicon sealants.

What effect does the sealant have on cleaning and how is the fish affected?
The sealant is less or more than 1/16 inches or 1 mm and hence the fish and tank are not affected. You need to make sure about the water-tightness of non-toxic sealants before cleaning the tank. Larger tanks need 20 gallons.

How should the aquarium be positioned?
A sturdy stand is needed to position your aquarium. It would depend on the size of the tank; however, the tank capacity and water is calculated by multiplication of the length of the aquarium, its width and height as well as the capacity of water. For example, 1 gallon water in a tank will weigh approximately 10 pounds. For a larger tank, you should divide the multiplied results by 1000 to arrive at the figure in litre. When you finish multiplying and dividing a large fish tank, you will arrive at a stand capacity of 1/2 tons. You must ensure that the floor underneath the stand is capable of holding the weight. Aquariums should preferably be placed on load bearing beams as well as against walls. Care should be taken to avoid placement of the aquarium near heaters,doors or windows.

How is aquarium equipment chosen?
First and foremost, a sturdy stand, lighting system, tank, thermostat, heater and a good filtration system should be arranged. Additionally, you may consider decors, plants etc. Decorations may constitute stones, substrates, roots etc. Chemicals like chlorine are neutralized by water conditioners. You will also need a net and a bucket. Most essential is the fish food.

How are filters chosen?
Filtration systems comprise of chemical, mechanical and biological filters. The filtration system could be internal, the under-gravel one or external. External filters are most advisable and may cost you around $150. The under-gravel filtration system should be the last preference, though it can be used in conjunction with an external or internal filter to give good results.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Killifish And Loach Fish - Tips To Prolong Their Life In Your Aquarium

Fish can be said to be similar to people as they both need associations,food, water, cleanliness, oxygen, tender loving care and other necessities to thrive. The water is the primary source to ensure their survival. Like humans, freshwater cannot tolerate too much saltwater, although there are some than can tolerate some salt. Saltwater is much needed by saltwater fish. They come from seas and oceans, and other such related waters to be found all the world over. Freshwater fish can be found in ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, and so on. Included here are the Killifish and the Loach fish.

The Loach fish is available in many varieties, such as the family of Cobitidae. The prime ones are nocturnal and related to the catfish so they do primarily live on the bottom of the water, and they have barbels which allows them to sift through the gravel. The Kuli Loach, of the Loach fish family has a snake like body which is long. Again, this is a popular choice for any aquarium and many people say that it is worm like in appearance. The Kuli love looking for hiding places avoiding the lights which they can't tolerate, so their habitats are usually in the corners right at the back and they love cave like environments. This fish is usually shy, but if kept in the same tank with their own species it is fine. Kuli fish like to feed on Tubifex. This type of fish is thin and long looking, growing up to a size of about 3 inches. It is peaceful in nature, so is very good living in a communal tank.

Loach fish belong to the families of Acnthophthalmus Semicinctus, the Botia Macracantha and the Cobitidae group, which are found easily in most of the pet stores. The Botias species is usually the easiest to care for of the Loach fish. It lives in moderate hard water, or in alkaline based water, so avoid acidic waters. The water temperature needs to be maintained at a level of 70 degrees Fahrenheit and at the highest of 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The Botia includes the clown and the Tiger Fish which are welcomed in communal tanks. You can learn more about these fish by searching online or by asking your local supplier.

The Preferred Water Conditions for the Kuli Loach

Slightly acidic waters are required by the Kuli Loach, or neutral water, with no particular pH level. This is a very shy fish which does not like bright lights so your aquarium should be dense with many plants so that these fish have plenty of room to hide.


Kuli love to feast on Tubifex, as well as many dried foods and will even eat frozen foods.

The Killifish come from the Cyprinodontidae family of fish. There is a wide distribution of these fish due to them having the brightest colours of all the freshwater and saltwater fish available. It is a good starter fish to have, since it fares well in a communal tank. Their usual habitat is the African Sub-Saharan waters, although in particular seasons these streams dry out and the fish eventually die. However the spawns which is the offspring thrive well in dry climates, resurrecting the Killifish. These fish live well in small tanks and the water conditions are favourable at 70 degrees (they will live longer at this temperature) to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Killifish can grow to a size of 2 to 4 inches.

Water Conditions

The ideal water condition is in peat filtered water, yet soft, hard or slightly acidic waters can also be tolerated.


The fish will all types of dried and frozen foodstuff. Killifish are rarely bred in pet shops but to find out where these fish are sold, you can contact the AKA (American Killifish Association).

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

4 Popular Aquarium Fish - How To Take Care Of Them

Fish care changes depending on the type of fish you own. One of the first things to consider is if you have a salt water fish or fresh water fish. This distinct difference is important in supporting the life of your fish. With thousands of different species, fish are going to need different ways to live.

One of the most important things to do is balance the water. The water's alkali is measured on a pH scale and is referred to as the water's hardness many times. There are kits available to measure the alkalinity. Different fish require a different degree of hardness, so it's important to have all the right tests to ensure proper surroundings. The water's pH balance can change depending on magnesium or calcium in the water. There are also pH buffers available to help maintain the balance. If you find out the pH balance is wrong, you want to address the problem immediately.

Fish care is different with many of the most popular fish as well. However, they all have the same thing in common and that is low maintenance. Here are some of the more popular fish and what it takes to care for them.

1. Damsels: These saltwater fish are very aggressive. If you have too many of them, you could be looking at an empty fish tank because they don't tend to get along with many other fish even of its own kind. Damsels are saltwater fish, so you are going to need a marine or reef tank to sustain them. The good thing about damsels is they are very tough fish. They can survive in some of the harshest conditions, but don't test this out. Take care of your damsels. It's recommended that you only put up to two in the same tank.

Some of the damsels to consider owning are the yellow-tailed or blue damsels. They are less aggressive and will be easier to maintain. Domino and three-striped damsels are the trouble makers.

2. Mollies: Mollies are freshwater fish but can live in saltwater. Mollies adapt to the saltwater, but prefer its natural state. These fish are popular because they can live in different pH. They are very resilient creatures and can live through many different water conditions. This is what makes them very desirable. Adapting fish to saltwater can be a long process. You start by keeping the fish in a bag of water and slowly drench it with saltwater in an eight-hour period.

3. Clown fish: These fish became extremely popular after the Disney movie Finding Nemo. Every child wants to get their Nemo for their tank. The good thing for parents is that clown fish are easy to take care of, but these fish can only stay in its own type of environment. Unlike mollies, they cannot adapt to something different. These fish are very protective and tend to typically keep well with fish of its own kind.

4. Shrimp: There are different kinds of shrimp people can own, but the most popular shrimp are the clean shrimps. They have a white and red stripe down the middle of their back. They are more popular because they are easy to maintain. However, these fish shouldn't be put with too many other kinds of fish. You should put a maximum of four fish in a tank with these shrimp.

There are so many other fish and different things to learn about them. Read about how to maintain specific fish and ask the pet shop employees for tips on how to maintain your home aquarium. Fish are great pets to have, so take care of them and they will last you a long time.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

3 Bizarre Aquarium Fish - How To Create An Exotic Fish Tank

There are certain fish that just add to any aquarium. There are some bizarre fish in the aquarium land that are gorgeous to own, but you have to know how to care for them. Some of them require specific instructions.

Sailfin mollies are beautiful creatures with metallic colors. The males are blue-green with orange and black fins. The female sailfin mollies are have bluish grey fins. These fish are characterized by their long and high dorsal fins.

Aquarium conditions: Sailfin mollies enjoy warm water. The temperature should be between 73 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH between 7.5 and 8.2. You should have many plants in the aquarium because these bizarre fish enjoy plant life. You should also regularly add salt to the water to promote the growth algae because these are omnivorous creatures.

Feeding: These bizarre fish will eat live bait, but enjoy vegetables as well. You can add some zucchini, peas or spinach to their tanks. You can leave algae in the tank because the sailfin mollies will eat it.

African lungfish are another group of bizarre fish people might want to own. They are generally bottom dwellers and in their natural habitat, feed on animals from the bottom of the sea such as mussels, small fish and worms. When you first buy your African lungfish, it may just be a few inches to a foot long. These fish can grow up to 10 feet, so make sure you have a big enough tank.

Aquarium conditions: These fish like quiet and dim areas. They are commonly found in the Zaire River basin, so try to emulate that type of environment. The water should be around 75 degrees and have fresh mud in the tank. It can thrive in different water conditions, but try to keep it constant. Keep fish that need the same environment with the African lungfish for optimal results.

Feeding: These fish tend to prey on other small animals. You should feed it worms or lean meats. You can also give it beef heart.

Piranhas aren't everyone's favorite fish. They are well known for biting its prey with its razor sharp teeth. They are an interesting fish to own, though, if you are looking for bizarre fish. If you are just starting out in the fish world, don't get piranhas. They might bite your hand if you are not careful. Also, try not to have too many other fish with your piranha. They can be very aggressive fish and territorial.

Aquarium conditions: Piranhas are found in the Amazon and need to have warm water to thrive. Keep the tank around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You need a heater and a thermometer to keep track of the water. Be careful not to overheat the tank because if it gets too hot it can result in oxygen deprivation. The other thing about piranhas is that you need to clean the tank often. These bizarre fish are messy. You need a good filter to keep the water from getting toxic.

Feeding: Piranhas will eat just about anything. It's important to give the piranhas a varied diet. Most frozen fish foods are good for piranhas. They also eat vegetables. You should try to give piranhas different foods to eat to try to make their contained environment feel as much as the natural environment as possible. Piranhas only need to be fed once a day.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Monday, December 23, 2013

3 Types Of Aquarium Fish - Nature And Habitat Explained

1. Angel Fish
This is a fish bigger than most aquarium varieties. The black Angel which comes from the Amazon basin area belongs to this category. Angel fish are also found in areas such as the Rio tapajos and Orinoco. These fish feed on smaller live bait in the aquarium. They have a deep well defined body structure. Their fins differ in color. They have small, pouted lips and curved eyes. Some of them have black spots which is quite desirable with collectors of ornamental fish. Angel fish normally live in water temperatures of around 72 Fahrenheit, but the water needs to be warmer at 77 to 86 degrees, for them to start breeding. Keep them in subdued lighting conditions. These fish love the natural wild surroundings, so provide lots of plants in the aquarium to keep them satisfied. You need to keep them away from bright lights, which tend to make them a bit nervous. Angelfish have certain bones in the throat region, so do not get alarmed if you hear a noise when they breed.

2. Harlequin Fish
The Rasbora Heteromorpha is a fish from this category. It is similar to the Cyprinidae family, and it is seen in the eastern Sumatra region, Thailand and Malaysia. It is a very attractive species with a thick body shape. It is colored a silver grey which shimmers when it moves. They normally have a patch of blue or black on the body as well. These fish grow up o about an inch and a half in length and they prefer to live in warm waters since they are from the tropical region. Keep the tank around 75-77 degrees if you house these fish. However, when they are breeding the water should be at a warmer level of say 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the lighting subdued and provide ample room for them to swim around, they are quite active.

3. Scat
These fish belong to the Scatophagus Argus category and is closely related to the Scatophagidae. They are found in the eastern region of India. It is colored a brownish gold tone, with a sprinkle of brown spots all over the body. They are larger than other varieties discussed in this article and can grow to over eleven inches in length. Scats are hexagonal in shape. This fish prefers a well lit area to live in, and you need to add salt in their water to keep them healthy. 3 or 4 tea spoons of salt in 2 to 3 gallons of water should do just fine. You could add sand into their tank rather than gravel, as well as some good hardy plants to make them feel at home. They enjoy eating live bait, as well as a little from the plants. Use a good filter in their tank and you need to get ready to often change their water.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Tips On Aquarium Catfish Care - Adding Fun To Your Aquarium

Catfish are very popular in freshwater aquariums. They are very different and unique in their own way compared with other fish regarding their care and health. These catfish are so called because they have "barbells" which are a distinctive and prominent feature which resembles whiskers of a cat. Catfish also have no fish scales which are present in most other fishes. If the fish is in danger or irritated in any way, they can emit a stinging protein from a powerful, hollow ray which is found on their fins.

Most aquariums house the more popular catfish known as the armoured catfish which are the smaller sized catfish and look great in any aquarium. When setting up your tank, it is the best time to decide on whether you are going to purchase catfish, as you will need to buy the correct type of gravel or sand for your tank. You will also need to know the pH level of water required to house your catfish. Soft bottom material in your tank is the preferred option of the armoured catfish which like to forage for food within the substrate. Catfish like to hide from the light as they feel more secure so have some hiding places such as caves for your fish.

Caring for catfish is not much different to the care of other fish, although you should try to purchase food that settles to the bottom of the aquarium as they feed on the bottom. The water in the middle should be a temperature in the 70's and it should be neutral pH level. This set up is usually the same for the water balance of other fish that you will house as well, so it is not a major concern when choosing to house catfish.

Catfish are an amusing addition to your aquarium as they have funny and comical looks, but this also depends on the species that you buy. Their behaviour can vary, though they do look rather nice to have in your tank. Catfish can come in groups and schools which get on with each other quite well, but you can also buy loners which prefer not to have neighbours. When you have a communal tank full of different species of fish, the catfish is a good choice to have as they occupy the bottom of the tank, unlike many of the other occupants. They usually mix well with other types of fish, so you don't need to worry about them. You watch out for the larger Cichlids which are very territorial in trying to claim the whole tank.

Look at the other size of the other fish in your existing when choosing to add a catfish. Catfish, in general get on with other fish, but they will also eat smaller fish. As they are nocturnal, catfish do not need to be feed until later on in the day or night. Adjust your schedule according to when you can feed your fish and to what types of fish you have in your aquarium. Armoured Catfish come in many different species, so you can have an array of comical looking fish. The aquarium should be kept clean and healthy at all times, so that all your fish stay healthy and you will get years of pleasure as you learn more about caring for them.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Aquarium And Fish Care - 4 Things That All Aquarium Fish Must Get

If you own fish, you know there are many things that go into taking care of them. If you have different kinds of fishes, you might find yourself with a checklist on how to maintain all the animals in your aquarium. Despite there being many different fish and different techniques for fish care, there are some aspects of aquariums and fish care that are constant, no matter if you have a salt water or fresh water fish.

It's important to follow the steps in fish care. Fish are solely dependent on humans when living in an aquarium whether it's just a tiny bowl in your home or a massive one to house whales. There are many similarities in the care of fish in different types of aquariums. Learn the exact things your fish is going to need because with over 20,000 species, each fish will need something different.

1. Temperature: Keeping your fish tank or aquarium at the right temperature is important. Fish can't regulate temperature and are at the mercy of their care handlers in this case. The first thing you need to do is learn what temperature your respective fish need to thrive. There are dehumidifiers and humidifiers available to help regulate water temperature. These tools also help maintain a balanced environment. You will have a thermometer and other gauges constantly in the water testing it. This is to ensure the water temperature maintains a certain level.

2. Toxins: Another element to consider for aquarium in fish care is the toxins level. Naturally, fish produce waste, all life forms do. In a closed environment the waste has no where to go and will cling to everything it can. If the water is not clean, the toxins will harm the fish. In nature, there are natural things that fight the battle with toxins such as bacteria, moss and other types of life forms. Your aquarium doesn't have this. It only has you. So it's important to clean the tank regularly.

3. Chloramines: There are additives found in water supply that will find its way into a fish tank. Chloramines are one that is used to purify water. It limits the growth of harmful bacteria. The bacteria can grow anywhere in water supply (pipes, faucets, ground water) and at times will find its way into an aquarium. To get rid of chloramines you can mix 1 milligram of sodium thiosulfate with 10 gallons of fresh water. This combination will remove toxins and other harmful contaminants.

4. Water: The water is the most important thing because this is how the fish sustain life. They breathe using the oxygen in the water. The water has to be tested often to ensure the levels of different substances. There are test kits available in pet shops that you will use to test for metals (a tank and its equipment are metal and metal could be found in water supply), toxins, pH level and other containments. You will need to add filters to the water to help maintain a balance. Pre-treated water is often used as well, this is the water combined with sodium thiosulfate.

Having fish can be a lot of fun. Many people find aquariums soothing and relaxing. However, like many other animals, fish have to be maintained. When taken out of their natural environment and brought into the home, they rely on you for their life support. The first step is giving them a great home with all the proper care. The water has to be right for the fish to thrive. Once that is all taken care of, don't forget to feed your fish. They get hungry too.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Breeding Fish - How To Breed Your Aquarium Pets

There are a variety of tetra fish for aquariums, though the technique of caring for these species of fish are the same you must develop a knack of handling these delicate inmates of your aquarium. The Paracheirodon Axelrodi is a common variety of tetra found in house aquariums around the world. This species is commonly referred to as the Cardinal Tetra and is known to grow as large as 1 and 1/4 of an inch in size. This fish is a native of the upper Rio Negro, Brazil and Columbia. Its colors are very similar to the Neon Tetra but differs in the spectrum. These fish have their gills covered with a lot of red unlike the Neon Tetra. There are few other differences between the two.

Another type of breeding fish is the 'Spraying Characin, biologically known as the Opella Amoldi. This fish frown to over 3 inches in size and is a native of Venezuela, Brazil and Guiana. These variety of aquarium fish have fins that are elongated and a slim body. Feeding is not a problem with these fish as they eat almost anything available in the aquarium through they do prefer natural water conditions.

Then you have the Copeina Guttata, also known as the Red-Spotted Copeina and hails form the central Amazon and grows to be about 4 inches large in an aquarium, though out of captivity it can grow larger than 5 inches. These fish will commonly have orange red colours with bluish-silver bodies and yellow fins.

Breeding Habits:
The Spraying Charcin will spray the surface of hanging leaves or may spawn on the bottom of the aquarium. These variety of fish usually like to breed in smaller tanks with few plants. These fish only produce about 15 eggs in each spawn and will continue until they have spawned about 100 eggs. You should know how to maintain the eggs in the tank to get yourself good numbers of fish. Once the spawning process is complete remove the females from the small tank. It is the male fish that takes care of the eggs. If you notice the male fish eating the eggs remove him from the tank as well. Nature will take care of the eggs if the male does not.

The Amoldi fish pair with the females and mate the male is known by its red dotted flank. The female will lay about 300 eggs in the gravel of the tank after which you should remove her from the tank. and once the eggs hatch you should also remove the male as well.

As you can see there is a common observation to the breeding of the fish. The removal of the females from the tank after spawning and then observing the males who have to be removed as well after the eggs hatch or if they begin to eat the eggs. Have an aerator that will circulate the water around the eggs without disturbing the eggs. This helps a great deal in hatching healthy fish in the tank.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Keeping Oysters In Saltwater Aquariums - Oyster Care Tips

Saltwater aquariums are a source of pleasure in many homes, and young and old people alike love to watch them. These tanks show us a wonderful glimpse of what life is like under the surface of the ocean. There is quite a variety of life that can survive in an aquarium. Plants and fishes are not the only life forms that live in the sea, so why restrict your aquarium by using these two categories alone, to beautify it?

Artificial oysters are common as a release for air bubbles in many aquariums - the oyster opens to let the bubbles out. But with more and more people trying to recreate the ocean floor with their saltwater aquariums, Pearl producing oysters are a special treat for those with home saltwater aquariums. However it is their lesser cousins you will normally find in home aquariums, and understandably so. Did you know that if you place an oyster or a scallop in your tank, they will require more care than any other life form in the aquarium? It is vital that you realize that before you get one for the tank. It is such a let down to see people spend good money on oysters, and later realizing they have bit off more than they can chew on.

Oysters demand a very special water condition. They are not for those of us who are a bit lazy when it comes to maintaining a clean aquarium. Keep in mind, they will not live very long if your tank gets dirt in it often - oysters need cleanliness and care. Nature has a nice way of dealing with this issue - oysters do clean out the water so they can balance the effect, but they can do it only up to a point and no more before it takes its toll on them. Did you know you will have to take special care of their diet as well? Don't say we didn't warn you! You need to feed every oyster separately through their pipette upstream. Here it is vital to note - keep the number of oysters in your aquarium minimum, unless you want to spend your entire day feeding them! You will need to give them nutrition supplements as well as a microscopic amount of plankton to keep them healthy.

Some varieties of oyster can survive more often in artificial environments than others. So if you are new at this, go for one of these. You could go for the more delicate ones once you are sure of your self. You will often see varieties like the spiny and the thorny in aquariums. These are such accurate names for these beautiful creations of nature. I bet this article has got you interested in getting an oyster into your saltwater aquarium. Why not visit your local store to see what they have available?

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Maintaining Aquarium Water - How To Create Right Atmosphere For Your Fish

1. Water conditions differ in every area
Most aquariums today are quite self sufficient and do not need much caring, but the water is something that has to be checked and the conditions checked and made safe for fish to be put into. Water is different in each separate part of the world and in some places it is contaminated and has to be made suitable for fish to survive in. The plants play an important role in this too. Some fish like tetras like soft water and so when testing the water for such fish you should make sure that the water is soft.

On the other hand Cichlid is a fish that prefers hard water. These species are from Africa where there is a lot of salt from natural sources in the water. Do not add limestone as gravel in the fish tanks.

After you test the pH readings of the water you will have an idea of the condition of the water. The proper figure that the pH should be is 7.If the number is lower then the water is acidic and if it is higher than the water is alkaline. So if you maintain your water at the proper temperature and balance then you will have plants and fish that are healthy and that will live much longer. Some fish like the red nosed tetra like a lot of area to swim in and also a lot of plants around them. So make sure that the fish that you have in the aquarium all need the sort of conditions to survive in and not different. This will create a problem to maintain them properly.

2. Testing the water
To test the water you will need a test kit which you can procure at the local pet shop or online. Getting one at the pet store is more practical as the person at the store can give you some advice on how to use it and tell you what the readings mean, especially if you are new to using these kits. What are very useful are water conditioners which you can put in every time you change the water in the tank.

3. Temperature of the water in the tank
The water heater should be kept at a low volume as the water should not get over heated.

It is for this reason that the fish tank should not be kept in the living room as living rooms are pretty warm compared to the rest of the house. If you have a lot of plants in the tank and a tropical variety of fish then there should not be much of a problem, as these fish prefer warmer temperatures. The same way tropical plants also are more acclimatized to warm temperatures. So maintaining the proper temperature will give your plants and fish a longer lease of life and a healthier one too. A heater that has a heaterstats is a good buy as it automatically regulates the heat and controls it by thermostat. This heater can be fixed to the glass with suction cups and every time it comes on a small lamp that it has comes on.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Aquarium Reefs - 12 Simple Tips To Grow The Perfect Reef

Nature has given us varied beautiful seasonal differentiations to enjoy that are from white snow tipped mountains to lush green lands. When it comes to the water, there is a whole new world to search. The water creatures can be phenomenally beautiful and beyond our imagination. Similarly, the water plants are all unique attractive.

The constant studies and research has proved that no two coral reefs are alike. These reefs are all one of its kind amazingly attractive and all those who see them want to get them home with themselves.

This can be done with some effort and lot of creativity but the fact remains that there is no pre-defined formula to grow these at home.

Creating that picturesque salt water aquarium you have to choose from various costly and average priced ornaments. The whole game at the end is about striking the right balance between imaginations, frugality, aesthetics, ecological balance and the financial aspects.
Here are some points you must know in order to grow one of these reefs at your home aquarium:

1. The size of the aquarium must be well planned and apt for your fishes to live healthy.

2. Fishes need lot of place to swim and play. Also if there are varied breeds of fishes living in the same aquarium, they would need some extra space to co-exist healthily.

3. While choosing your fish you must be careful to keep only the compatible breeds together in one aquarium, else it would land up in to a disaster.

4. To set up an ideal eco-system in the fish tank with all natural resources in tact, 175 gallon tank is the minimum you must consider.

5. While preparing a picture perfect reef in your home aquarium you are now lucky that you can find pre-drilled aquariums in the market. You just have to shell out some extra money that you pay as an advance for to the store form where you are purchasing the aquarium. This helps you get a very clean look rather than that traditional hang on the back overflowing tanks.

6. You have a bulk of choices to choose from when decorating your aquarium with a natural reef. The experts advise that as much as possible you should stick to organic decorations. This would ensure the health of your fishes, the plants and a surely maintained ecological balance in the aquarium.

7. Live rock is a great decoration for your saltwater aquarium. This adds an aesthetic feel to the aquarium and helps you formulate the aquarium's ecosystem as it is a vital part of the aquatic life. A live rock is covered with several micro and macro organisms. These organisms filter all the waste products from of the water, thereby making that water safe for the aquatic inhabitants.

8. Live plants are another beautiful addition for the saltwater aquariums. These are functional as well as they provide for a lot many facilities in the water. Live plants oxygenate the water in the tank. These provide a hide out for your fishes making them more playful. They not only beautify the fish tank but also purify the water in the tank by absorbing the chemicals & providing oxygen. The water plants break down water and ammonia. Then these plants filter the ammonia & the bad or contaminated pat of the water that is the portion that contains bacteria. Plants maintain the balance between all the chemicals in the fish tank as the fishes produce lot of ammonia.

9. Corals are also great beautifiers for your perfect reef aquarium.

10. The experts always advise that prior to making purchases and decisions regarding your fish tank, you must first choose and finalize the breed and type of fish that you would purchase. This would help you make rather appropriate and correct purchases for the aquarium, for instance some fishes like some particular plants that you would be able to decide on the basis of the breed you have decided to buy.

11. The depth of the bottom layer of the aquarium that comprises of silt, sand, and/or gravel must be of an adequate depth so as to allow the roots of the plants to seep in well. While this depth majorly depends on the type of plant you are placing in there, approximately 8 cm is the usual depth required for most of the plants.

12. Like all aquariums and you must light your salt water aquarium at least in the first half of the day as your plants and fishes need a perfect cycle of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The plants need carbon dioxide to live that they can generate through photosynthesis and this can happen only with the right lighting in the aquarium. You might also consider planting an artificial carbon dioxide producing gadget in the fish tank.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

3 Saltwater Reefs - Secrets To Successfully Grow Them In Your Aquarium

Usually the owners of saltwater aquariums do not use reefs. This is because the coral had a very short life span when you put one in an aquarium. However, people who have been persistent in their efforts have found an answer to that one. Whatever the skill level that you have, there is a reef or another that would suit you and your aquarium. Whether you are an absolute beginner or a seasoned professional, you will find a reef that will be interesting to work with and within your reach.

1. Zoanthus
This is the common choice of those who are just beginning to add reef to their aquariums. This is a hardy variety that survives in almost any saltwater aquarium. It does not find a meat diet very appealing and you need to give it only finely chopped food. You can get this in many different colors, and many of the owners of aquariums like using it as a filter reef for the temperamental kinds of reef. It is commonly known as the Bottom Polyps and also the Sea Mat.

2. Cladiella
This is yet another great variety to start off with. It is popularly called the Finger Leather or the Colt Coral. It is also widely known for its adaptable nature. If you have one of these coming in, we strongly suggest you make sure that it is securely anchored, or it just will not grow.

3. Siderastrea Coral
This is a soft variety and can withstand changes in the temperature, light and also the water quality. Usually it is gray or white in color. It is sometimes shaped like a round dome but more commonly, it comes in the shape of a flat plate that could be anywhere between four and twelve inches in diameter. This variety of coral is more commonly known as the Starlet, Pink Starlet or the Lesser Starlet coral.

If you have successfully housed some of these hardier varieties of coral in your aquarium, you could then move on to other delicate varieties. Coral and fish somehow do go together, and some kinds match better with each other. If you are looking to buy some new fish, keep your existing coral category in mind when doing so. Also look out for any unhealthy fish when buying a bunch of new ones. You can tell by looking at their scales, eyes, abdomen, mouth and fins. The fish's eyes should be bright and clear. If there is a hazy layer on the eyes this could mean the fish is suffering from a bacterial infection. Patches on the scales definitely warn you of an internal disease that the fish is dealing with. One with a damaged mouth can lose appetite and become sickly. Look for clean and crisp fins and a firm and rounded abdomen in your fish. Look out for sagging fins as well.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Saltwater Fish Care - Tips To Feed Your Aquarium Fish

Feeding fish can be a science. When it comes to saltwater fish this is not different because feeding saltwater fish can be tricky. There are certain rules to follow and guidelines that should be met.

When you get saltwater fish the first thing you want to do is find out what kind of food the fish need to thrive. Most fish are going to need a balanced diet and require different foods. Using those friendly flakes just isn't going to cut it. Depending on the fish you can use a variety of vegetables, live, frozen and fresh food. Look at everything you are giving the fish and see if the diet contains about 10 percent fat and 30 percent protein. This will ensure the fish are getting everything they need out of their diet.

Most predatory animals will eat types of meat. You can give these fish beef heart, live or fresh foods. They will skip to the top of the tank, or swim where ever they land. With these saltwater fish just make sure are not putting them in an aquarium with their prey. If you do it that, you could end up with a few less fish.

For invertebrate and bottom dwelling animals, they need food that is going to sink to the bottom of the aquarium. These saltwater fish feed on food that is easily within reach. Otherwise they cannot reach them and will not survive. It's imperative to feed fish by making it easy for them.

Herbivores will feed on green plants and vegetables. If your saltwater fish enjoy plants, this limits the type of plants you can put in your aquarium. Most plants won't survive if you have these types of fish because the fish will eat them up. Feed them lettuce, spinach, fresh food and flakes because all fish need a balanced diet.

Depending on the saltwater fish, they will either feed once or twice a day. This is important to find out because you don't want to overfeed the fish. Overfeeding is dangerous and could lead to their death. A way to monitor the fish's eating habits is to time how long it takes for them to eat. Once you put food into the aquarium it should take anywhere from two to five minutes for the fish to eat. If it is longer than this, you have put too much food into the tank. You need to take out the extra food because besides overeating the breakdown of the food can contaminate the water and lead to sickness or bad water conditions. Anything less than two minutes and you aren't feeding your fish enough.

Some saltwater fish aquarists use automatic feeders. This takes the guess work out of feeding and puts the fish on a schedule. It also allows the saltwater fish owner flexibility in his schedule. However, there are drawbacks to using the feeders. It is not as simple as filling the feeder and going on with your day. Currently, automatic feeders do not hold frozen or live foods. When you want to feed your fish these types of food, you have to manually do it. Just sprinkle a little under the hood and watch the fish dance around.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.