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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Useful Notes on Pregnant Goldfish

It is important to make sure the gender of each of the goldfish prior to breeding. But this would be effective only when they attain spawning condition. Attempt to pregnant goldfish must be initiated only after the first year. But until they reach 8 cm long it is not easy to make them have sex.

When they reach the age of three it would be ideal to pregnant goldfish. The changes are comfortably and clearly made out on male fish. The male develop white breeding tubercles. These appear on the gill operculum, in the front ray of pectoral fins and sometimes on the head about the size of pin head. The stomach of the pregnant goldfish becomes bulged and full.

The change in water temperature triggers the breeding in all goldfish types. Temperature of water is changed to induce breeding. Optimum temperature for breeding of goldfish is 20ºC even though the range of temperature can be between 10 to 26ºC for pregnant goldfish. The experts among breeders advise that the fish must be kept apart before breeding. Obviously before they are sexed the possibility does not exist.

The breeders wait until the optimum temperature is reached or increase the temperature gradually by artificial means. The chances of increasing the success rate of breeding lies in the increase of proportion between male and female goldfish. The ratio of one female to two males ensures the chances of successful breeding. Each fish must have at least fifteen gallons of water. Over crowding must be avoided as pregnant goldfish find survival tough under overcrowded conditions.

As the male swims behind the pregnant goldfish in a ritualistic spawning chase, conveys the message that they are ready for breeding. For several hours the male swims behind the pregnant goldfish and pushes her on her stomach again and again. Few days from the day the fishes are brought together, the chase occurs if all the conditions to mate are perfect.

If you want to learn more about goldfish or more specifically pregnant goldfish then check out

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