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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Eels Make Excellent Pets and Are Great Additions to the Aquarium

If you get bored caring with the normal varieties of fish and creatures in the aquarium, you may want to consider keeping an eel in your aquarium. Eels make excellent pets and are great additions to the aquarium. Their care is not as difficult as most people make it out to be. In this article I will be going through various things to consider when you are thinking about purchasing an eel for your saltwater aquarium. I will include the best type of environment, feeding, and care you need to give to these creatures to keep them happy.

When you are trying to set up the right environment for your eel, you need to take a few things into consideration. First, you need an aquarium of at least 75 gallons in size as most eels grow rather large and it is best to have a larger sized aquarium to house them. You will also need to provide plenty of places for the eel to hide in if it feels the urge. You also need to provide plenty of open space for the eel to swim around in. You need to make sure any decorations in the aquarium are fastened down securely, as eels are very strong and can uproot them.

After you set up your aquarium for the best environment for the eel, you can start to condition the water for them. Look up the specific requirements for the species you are looking to buy, and adjust accordingly. You will need to place all of your decorations in your aquarium and fill it up with water. After making the water maintain the right salinity and PH balance and you can start to cycle the aquarium. Cycling the aquarium conditions the water will make it safe to add your eel to the aquarium. After you cycle the aquarium you can purchase your eel and wait for it to be delivered to you.

After you receive your Eel, you can start to acclimate it to the aquarium. There are many different guides to do this and it should take less than an hour to get your Eel fully acclimated to your aquarium. This process is very important to reduce the amount of shock the environment of the new aquarium will have on the eel. If you try to just place your eel in the aquarium without acclimating it first, you can easily kill it. Once your eel is placed in your aquarium, you can start to care for its feeding needs. Look up the specific instructions for the feeding your eel.

I hope you found this article a bit useful. Any retailers are more than happy to assist you with any questions you have when you are looking for the proper equipment for setting up your eel aquarium. You should check around a lot when you are looking for your equipment, make sure you do your research before you invest into any part of your aquarium. It can take a bit of patience to get started, but once you get the hang of it, it is extremely rewarding.

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