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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Live Aquarium Plants - 3 Simple Tips On Their Care

1. Enhance the natural setting of your aquarium
Live plants add oxygen to the water of the tank and keep it in a balanced condition while aiding the health of the fish. Not only are live plants beneficial to the fish they also add to the beauty of the tank and make it look more natural.

2. Lighting important for live plants
To maintain live plants in the aquarium you must ensure the correct kind of lighting. To have healthy plants in your aquarium you should have about 3 watts of light per gallon of water. Fluorescent lights are nice for tanks and give a good pleasing effect. One thing you have to be careful of with fluorescent lights is that plants that have leaves at different levels will not get sufficient light at some point.

3. Maintenance of live plants
After deciding on the kind of lighting you want for your aquarium, you should pay heed to the hardness of the water. Most plants need a hardness level of 4 to 12 dH and 6.5 to &.2 pH for the water. Apart from this plants need clear and clean water so you should ensure that the water is always maintained clean in the aquarium. Plants do not keep healthy if there is too much debris in the water, so cleaning of the tank is a very essential job.

After you have ensured the condition of the water for the plants, you should maintain their nutrients for healthy growth. Both macro and micro nutrients are required by plants. Macro nutrients are present in the water and need never be added on, while micro nutrients are needed in small quantities. The micro nutrients that plants need in the water are zinc, iron and copper.

However, the fish in the water generally supply all the nutrients that are needed for the healthy growth of aquatic plants. So you do not have to add on any supplements at all for the nutrition of the plants. Avoid filtration systems that are put under the gravel as they disturb the surface with the steady flow of the bubbles. Most other filtration systems are fine. Too much disturbance by filtration systems causes the carbon dioxide to be lost and this is not good for the plants. The filter should keep the nutrients flowing through the water with the current that it creates.

With a good chemical balance and a properly functioning filter system in the tank, the plants in your tank will be healthy and with good growth. Not only will the healthy plants give a good look to your aquarium, the fish will also remain happy with this natural environment that you have created for them.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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