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Friday, November 22, 2013

Know Your Fish And Aquarium - 22 Points To Remember

Once you have gathered all the materials required for an aquarium, you must first learn how maintain your aquarium that is taking care of your fish and keeping aquarium clean.

Before purchasing the materials required for the aquarium you must search the market well and gather as much information as possible.

Some of the materials required for making an aquarium are:
a. Container or the Aquarium
b. Filters
c. Heaters
d. Gravel
e. Floss
f. Buffers
g. Food
h. Fish, etc.

In order to help you better maintain the fish and the aquarium here are some helpful tips:


1. These are quite necessary to maintain the tropical fish.
2. However, before purchasing the filters and heater you must check on their size and that they perfectly fit in to your aquarium.
3. They must not capture any unnecessary space.
4. In case your tank is too small to fit in these, you would surely require a larger tank.

Materials Required

An aquarium calls for several other purchases as accessories and for apt maintenance. Some of these items are: plants, gravel, food, ornaments, test kits, water treatment, etc.

Al these items have different purposes to solve like gravel maintains the natural resources in the fish tank, ornaments provide for a lively décor, fish feel at home with the plants and food is necessary for your fish to survive. The test kit keeps a watch on the water quality. Water treatment becomes a must as the tap water that is usually used in the aquarium is not pure enough in most of the areas.
Here follows the procedure of making the aquarium:

1. First of all fill a bucket of water and rinse the gravel washing of the dirt, grime and germs.

2. Then add water to your tank, once the gravel is purified.

3. Further add half of the water actually required for the tank.

4. Next add the ornaments & plants to your aquarium.

5. This makes the job of additives completed for the aquarium.

6. Now finally add the tank with the water in full quantity required.

7. Now use the manual that you have received with your tank. Follow the outlines mentioned in this manual to fill your tank properly.

8. Next move to placing the heater & filtration systems in the tank.

9. In order to fit in the heater and filters safely and properly, follow the instructions mentioned in the manual you have received with these equipments.

10. Finally you add the water treatment system to the tank. This purifies the harmful chemicals form the water like metal, copper, metal and other related elements.

11. Now before adding the fish to the tank either make use of the specialized products that enable you doing that safely, else we recommended you to wait atleast a few weeks prior to adding life to your tank.

12. A tank filled with water has some natural bacteria that produce naturally. These bacteria must be filtered out of the water so as to keep your fish healthy and safe. So once the water in aquarium is settled, use your test kit to check if the water is perfectly clean or not, it must also be checked that the water has the right temperature and all the chemicals in it are balanced.

13. Now after the final verification of the water in the tank, add your fish in small quantities.

Know your fish

Here are some types of fish that we recommend you to place in your aquarium:

1. The most recommended one is damsel - it is a salt water fish.
2. Remember, the aggressive fish would always devour the passive fish. Hence, is salt water we recommend you to place some aggressive fish, to be precise, only two of one type, and you can add more slowly and gradually.
3. In case you opt to keep some fresh water fish, it is advisable to choose out of the passive fishes.
4. However, you cannot have both the salt water fish and the fresh water fish in one tank, so in that case you must consider having two separate tanks.
5. For the starters we suggest fishes like white cloud mountain minnow, gold fish, danio, etc.
6. Further you can try having a bristle nose that is type of passive fish. It grows approximately 5.5 inches.
7. Similar to the bristle nose, the otocinclus is another type of passive fish; this grows around 2 inches. An otocinclus loves to live in the rocks & plant areas.
8. Plecostomas, another passive fish, grows around 24 inches, and lives in & around rocks & plants.
9. Veitail and Marble are other varieties of passive fishes. These both grow approximately 6 inches and love to live in & around plants & rocks.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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