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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Keeping Hermit Crabs In Your Aquarium - 4 Best Varieties

Hermit crabs are popular with children as well as with adults of all ages. Since the idea of salt water aquariums is on the rise, the idea of hermit crabs in it is on the rise as well. Just like you can choose from a variety of categories to have as a pet you will need to choose from different breeds for the one perfectly suited to your home aquarium. Different varieties have different chances of survival when confined to an aquarium. So make sure you know exactly what you are getting into and make sure you know well how to take care of the new addition of life in your aquarium.

1. The Red Hermit Crab
This is also called the White Spotted Hermit Crab. It has red legs and also black spots on them. And we do not recommend them to reef aquariums, but they are just perfect for a community aquarium. They Can help keep a check on the growth of algae. These creatures will love their space so do not keep more than one crab in one aquarium.

2. The Red Legged Hermit Crab
This variety is from Mexico and they are the good and Hardy addition to any kind of aquarium. They will make sure that the algae stay away from your tank. Make sure you have a limited amount of copper in your tank water since they cannot survive in the presence of large amounts of copper percentage.

3. Scarlet Hermit Crab
This is also called the reef hermit. It doesn't normally grow to over 2in. It has a beautiful red body and yellow eye stocks. They will keep the growth of algae in your aquarium under control. On the other hand if the algae content in the tank goes to a low make sure you give them something else to feed on. Dry seaweed is a good alternative.

4. The common Hermit Crab
They are usually found in European countries but sometimes in other regions as well. They are also called the soldier crab because they carry their homes on the top of the back. When they are outgrow a shell they simply discard it and a fresh one is always ready underneath. The crab in an inadequate shell will not ever be able to grow to its optima size. So make sure you get the right size shell for your crab from a good pet store. If you know exactly of what is needed you could even find the shell on a beach.

These crabs make a wonderful addition to your fish tank. And the best thing is they require minimum fuss and attention. Kids and adults all love to watch them in your salt water tank. They are hardy, pretty and they also keep the tank clean - what more could one ask for?

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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