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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Coral Reef Aquarium

When people think of coral reef, they often think of the sea, and particular, the Great Barrier Reef. While many people think of just the coral, there are those out there who think about the entire experience, with the live coral and the plants and sea life that depend on that reef. Many people do not realize that it is possible to have their own coral reef aquarium in their home. These aquariums are actually somewhat easy to create and put together, contrary to popular belief. As long as research and patience are employed when trying to do so, the live coral can be allowed to not only live, but thrive in a tank right in your home.

What is a Coral Reef Aquarium?

When people think of these kinds of aquariums, they often only think of the live soft corals that everyone knows about. Many people do not realize that these aquariums really do try to mimic the ecosystem in and around the coral reef; this means that while the main focus is on the live coral, a coral reef aquarium also features plants and reef fishes. These are the living organisms that thrive along with the coral in the sea. Having these things together not only brings a beautiful look to the aquarium, but allows for the ecosystem to be similar so that all living things in the tank thrive.

What to Put in a Coral Reef Aquarium

This kind of aquarium requires multiple different pieces, whether they be living things or a piece of equipment that helps the ecosystem run smoothly. While a few of the things are simply for the look and feel, many of the things needed actually serve a purpose. One of the most important things to the coral and all of the living things is the sand. Having live sand is incredibly important, as the cultured sand helps the live coral reef. It also helps the living things that are bottom dwellers, as it gives them something to move on. This also holds an aesthetic purpose, since it gives a realistic feel to the aquarium itself.

The filtration system is another important thing to consider when talking about a coral reef aquarium. A simple biological filtration system is unlikely to be able to deal with the organic matter that comes from the tank. A protein skimmer is what many use to take care of this matter.

For a further effect, using reef lighting can be a great way to add an ambiance to the aquarium. A marine aquaria is partly what you put in the tank, and partly how you show off the tank. This, among other things, is important, as you want to make sure that your coral lives and thrives in its environment.

Other Things to Consider

There are many other things that should be considered when talking about coral reef aquariums. As a marine aquarist, you need to be sure to think about the gallon tank size that you are using, and how that will affect the aquarium design. Another part of this design is knowing what fish and living creatures to use in the aquarium itself. Certain types of aggressive fish will throw off the ecosystem. These fish will be aggressive toward the other fish and living things in the tank, and may even ruin the plants and living coral reef that is in the tank. By making sure these fish are not in the tank, you will make your job of taking care of the coral reef aquarium much easier.

For more reef aquarium tips [] visit The Aquarium Lady [].

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