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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Freshwater Aquariums - 3 Golden Rules For Beginners

When you are just starting to have fish in the home you obviously have a lot to learn to care about them properly and make sure that they survive for as long as their full life span is and not cause harm to them by wrong ways because of ignorance. There is a wide choice of fish that you can have in a fresh water tank and it should not be a problem to select some of these for your tank. So go ahead and start your aquarium with a fresh water one and get the suitable fish that you want for it. This is a much easier bet to take care of and a wise one to start your hobby with.

1. Some points to keep in mind for a fresh water aquarium
Before you get your fresh water aquarium you would have to do some planning and bear some points in your mind. The first and foremost one is to decide where you will be keeping the fresh water aquarium in your home. The aquarium should not be kept near units for heating and cooling in the house, nor near doors and windows. You should locate an area where the temperature remains more or less the same every day and there should be sufficient sunlight light and also light indoors for the fish.

After locating a suitable spot in your home for the aquarium you can get yourself a fresh water one. It is always better to start with a small one and after you get the hang of it you can go in for a bigger one. Get a proper stand for the aquarium so that you can put it on the stand and then fill it with water and everything else that goes into it. If you have a suitable table you could place the aquarium on it, but whatever you decide to use as a stand make sure that it is sturdy and can take the weight of the aquarium with the water, the fish and the accessories in it. It should also be quite firm and not sway around with the weight on it.

2. Accessories for the fresh water aquarium
The aquarium has a lot more accessories that will be required for it to function perfectly, like the system for filtering the water which should be as per the size of the aquarium, this will need suitable filters, lighting for the aquarium, gravel, plants, several species of fish, food and medicines for the fish. You could add on any other accessories to beautify the aquarium also and this is according to your own choice. Some fish may need a heater to keep the water warm also.

3. Keep fish that can live compatibly together
Another very important aspect of keeping fish together is that you have to make sure that they require the same kind of environment, water temperature and feed and do not antagonize each other, but are able to live together harmoniously.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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