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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Live Aquarium Plants - 3 Simple Tips On Their Care

1. Enhance the natural setting of your aquarium
Live plants add oxygen to the water of the tank and keep it in a balanced condition while aiding the health of the fish. Not only are live plants beneficial to the fish they also add to the beauty of the tank and make it look more natural.

2. Lighting important for live plants
To maintain live plants in the aquarium you must ensure the correct kind of lighting. To have healthy plants in your aquarium you should have about 3 watts of light per gallon of water. Fluorescent lights are nice for tanks and give a good pleasing effect. One thing you have to be careful of with fluorescent lights is that plants that have leaves at different levels will not get sufficient light at some point.

3. Maintenance of live plants
After deciding on the kind of lighting you want for your aquarium, you should pay heed to the hardness of the water. Most plants need a hardness level of 4 to 12 dH and 6.5 to &.2 pH for the water. Apart from this plants need clear and clean water so you should ensure that the water is always maintained clean in the aquarium. Plants do not keep healthy if there is too much debris in the water, so cleaning of the tank is a very essential job.

After you have ensured the condition of the water for the plants, you should maintain their nutrients for healthy growth. Both macro and micro nutrients are required by plants. Macro nutrients are present in the water and need never be added on, while micro nutrients are needed in small quantities. The micro nutrients that plants need in the water are zinc, iron and copper.

However, the fish in the water generally supply all the nutrients that are needed for the healthy growth of aquatic plants. So you do not have to add on any supplements at all for the nutrition of the plants. Avoid filtration systems that are put under the gravel as they disturb the surface with the steady flow of the bubbles. Most other filtration systems are fine. Too much disturbance by filtration systems causes the carbon dioxide to be lost and this is not good for the plants. The filter should keep the nutrients flowing through the water with the current that it creates.

With a good chemical balance and a properly functioning filter system in the tank, the plants in your tank will be healthy and with good growth. Not only will the healthy plants give a good look to your aquarium, the fish will also remain happy with this natural environment that you have created for them.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Dangerous Fish Care - Tips To Take Good Care Of Characidae And Piranha

1. Characidae

The Characidae is a member of the Ostariphysi species. This fish has small adipose or connective tissues, known as fins. Their jaws have teeth. Their weberian small bony structure (Ossicles), link to the bladder area and also the inner part of the fish's ear. The Characidae originate from Central and South America, but some may also be found in other smaller parts of the world, like Central Africa. There are two types of these fish which you can purchase, i.e. the carnivorous or the omnivorous ones. Carnivores feast on meat whilst omnivores prefer vegtables and/or animals. Characidae fish are predominantly herbivores so it is best to avoid this variety, as your aquarium will be virtually destroyed once this fish has nibbled its' way through your tank.

By choosing the Characidae, you should avoid having other, smaller fish in the tank like the Angelfish, Fighters and others, as the Characidae like to gnaw at smaller object with their teeth. This includes eating other fish. Piranhas are from freshwater and also South America, and they are very similar to the Characidae species, in that they have sharp teeth. The piranhas' strong jaws makes them dangerous, very much like the Characidae, and are categorised as a predatory species. In large groups, they like to attack their prey. The Characidae attack in groups as well as on their own - they have jaws and teeth which make easy work at ripping apart a terrestrial species in such a short time. As a beginner at keeping an aquarium, avoid buying this species and the piranhas.

Feeding the Characidae

They mostly enjoy meats so feed them worms, etc.

What Type of Water is Best for Them

Soft swampy waters are ideal for the Characidae, as they can breed easier, by laying their eggs on the bottom of the tank as they will stick there. You should be aware that Characidae feed on their own. Eggs in the tank will be devoured once they emerge as youngsters, so don't be surprised at this action. You will need to learn how to breed the Characidae before you buy any, as the skills are better learnt beforehand.

2. Serrasalmus Rhombeus

These fish are more commonly known as the Spotted and the White Piranha. They come from the Amazon Basins and also in South America. Piranhas will reach their full size of about ten inches. Aquarium fish will only grow to about six inches. When you are just starting an aquarium, piranhas are not the ideal species that you should begin with in fish care. These fish should be separated from the habitat of passive fish. Piranhas are olive green or silvery in colour and have deep pressed bodies. Their strong teeth are used to devour and tear apart other creatures, and they will have a good go at the tank as well. The fish look like bulldogs in resemblance, with a lower jaw that is quite threatening on approach. Piranhas are, by nature, aggressive and their food consists of other large or small fish.


When using a net to catch the fish, you need to take extreme precaution as they will try to gnaw at your hand which they see as prey. It is necessary to use a net if you need to clean out the aquarium.

Piranhas like to feed on other fishes as well as lean meat. As they are carnivorous, these fish are mainly for show and not as a pet. On the upside piranhas do not special water conditions and in aquariums they do not breed. Having two piranhas in one aquarium is not a good idea, as one will feed on the other. Species of the piranha include the Natterer Piranha and the Red-Breasted Piranha. These types of piranha are similar to the Serrasalmus Rhombeus in the way that they feast.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Freshwater Aquariums - 3 Golden Rules For Beginners

When you are just starting to have fish in the home you obviously have a lot to learn to care about them properly and make sure that they survive for as long as their full life span is and not cause harm to them by wrong ways because of ignorance. There is a wide choice of fish that you can have in a fresh water tank and it should not be a problem to select some of these for your tank. So go ahead and start your aquarium with a fresh water one and get the suitable fish that you want for it. This is a much easier bet to take care of and a wise one to start your hobby with.

1. Some points to keep in mind for a fresh water aquarium
Before you get your fresh water aquarium you would have to do some planning and bear some points in your mind. The first and foremost one is to decide where you will be keeping the fresh water aquarium in your home. The aquarium should not be kept near units for heating and cooling in the house, nor near doors and windows. You should locate an area where the temperature remains more or less the same every day and there should be sufficient sunlight light and also light indoors for the fish.

After locating a suitable spot in your home for the aquarium you can get yourself a fresh water one. It is always better to start with a small one and after you get the hang of it you can go in for a bigger one. Get a proper stand for the aquarium so that you can put it on the stand and then fill it with water and everything else that goes into it. If you have a suitable table you could place the aquarium on it, but whatever you decide to use as a stand make sure that it is sturdy and can take the weight of the aquarium with the water, the fish and the accessories in it. It should also be quite firm and not sway around with the weight on it.

2. Accessories for the fresh water aquarium
The aquarium has a lot more accessories that will be required for it to function perfectly, like the system for filtering the water which should be as per the size of the aquarium, this will need suitable filters, lighting for the aquarium, gravel, plants, several species of fish, food and medicines for the fish. You could add on any other accessories to beautify the aquarium also and this is according to your own choice. Some fish may need a heater to keep the water warm also.

3. Keep fish that can live compatibly together
Another very important aspect of keeping fish together is that you have to make sure that they require the same kind of environment, water temperature and feed and do not antagonize each other, but are able to live together harmoniously.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Buying Freshwater Fish - 4 Hot Tips To Purchase Wisely

1.) As a home aquarium owner wanting to purchase freshwater fish, there are a few things you must remember; of this, the most important is that you know which kind of fish you want to keep and the other species that can stay together with them. The size of the aquarium determines how many fish you can keep comfortably in it - go by the simple thumb rule of each fish requiring at least 3 inches in each gallon of tank water so they can discover and grow naturally. Freshwater aquarium fish only grow as big as the space granted them, so you know that the more space you give them in tank water, the longer their lifespan will be!

2) Know your fish species: especially for the freshwater aquarium set up you have, in order to determine which are the types that can live in captivity, along side other varieties and the kind of tending they require in order to grow and breed. Also take the time to find out the kind of tank environment will suit the kind of freshwater fish you are keen to buy, the kind of temperature preferable to them and the food they will be eating as apart from compatibility, these factors also influence the health of your tank inmates.

3) When buying fish for your non-marine aquarium, keep in mind any advantages you can give the tank fish you purchase in terms of investing in fish that consume algae so the build-up does not affect the maintenance of the tank and makes less work for you.

4) Last, but not least, when considering buying fish for your freshwater tank, it is important to know which are the species to avoid buying that can be unfriendly - to say the least - after all, you do not want the fish in your home aquarium to live in an environment of disharmony, do you? So, learn as much as you can about which kind are territorial e.g. Catfish that can also grow big in a short time and eat into the space required by others in the tank. Also avoid buying the dangerous or poisonous kinds of fish harmful to keep in a freshwater aquarium, such as Piranhas since these can disease easily and also intimidate the other fish in the tank, which is an expense you want to avoid if you want to keep your fish happy, healthy and for a long time.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Benefits Of Aquarium Plants - 4 Tips On Their Care

1. Make your aquarium attractive with real plants
When you keep a fish tank or an aquarium it is mostly for the purpose of having something decorative around the house. Of course apart from this it is also supposed to create calmness in you if you are stressed out. When you think of putting accessories into it to make it look good and add to its visual appeal, think about something natural that will have more benefits than just the visual appeal. Instead of artificial plastic plants put in the natural ones as these are more beneficial for the tank as well as for the fish. Live plants add oxygen to the water and also assist in maintaining the chemistry in the water. These plants also provide a place for the good bacteria to survive, and this bacteria is useful for breaking down the waste products that are in the fish tank. So the use of live natural live plants helps in maintaining a healthy and clean aquarium and also adds to the aesthetic value.

2. Care of aquatic plants
Now that you have decided to have live plants in your fish tank, you should know more about taking good care of them. For this you will have to have a proper balance of nutrients and light in the tank for the plants. The amount of light recommended in books is usually not quite sufficient so it is better to get extra light supply. Once you increase the amount of light in the tank you will have to add more nutrients to balance it out. Sometimes this could result in the build up of algae, so if you can put some algae eating fish into the tank is will be a good balance of all the requirements.

3. Prepare the tank for live plants
Place all the plants in the tank first and allow them to get acclimatized to the tank. This way you can be sure that the nutrients will not be used up by the algae. Put in plants that grow fast and some plants that are floating ones. Some fish like the cat fish like to hide under the leaves and away from direct light. This will also add to the decoration of the fish tank.

4. Add the fish after the plants
Now that your plants are well acclimatized to the tank you can put in the fish. Remember that you will have to take care of the aquatic plants just like any other plants. Whenever there are decayed leaves make sure that you remove them from the tank. If you have put the roots of some of the plants into the gravel they will produce new plants which you can remove and put into another part of the tank. The lower leaves that do not get enough light may rot more often, so be sure to remove them. All this care will keep your fish happy also. Make sure that you have a regular routine for cleaning your tank.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

3 Categories Of Aquarium Fish - How To Keep Them Healthy

When you wish to look after fish you need to relate to them just as you would with any pet. You can keep fresh water and salt water fish tanks, and fresh water can further be divided into tropical or cold waters. Here are a few types of fish and tips on looking after them -

1. Pantodontidae
This category contains the two types of fish called the butterfly fish, and the flying fish. They belong to the western parts of Africa and can grow up to four inches. The butterfly variety has a small body which is flat and colored with wonderful designs, and hence the name. The tropical variety has a flat body with a tapering snout. It belongs to the Chaetodontidae family, and that is Latin for Pantodontidae. These could also be boat shaped with the snouts turning upward. The wing like chests are sometimes called the pectorals. Some have brownish tones on the body, and others have greenish ones. They also have streaks and dark spots of the same colors at times. They are quite passive in general and it is recommended you keep them with their own kind. These fish will not feed from the bottom of the aquarium. They will gladly eat smaller varieties of fish such as minnows, and maybe insects. You can even get them used to eating meat or worms. A long stick will help you train them to eat worms. The fish loves a temperate sift water climate with about 80 degrees on the temperature scales. Keep them in a tank half filled with water and make sure they have enough plants around them. These fish are not very easy to mate, so if that is what you are looking to do maybe you should start with a different variety. When you have to mate these, just make sure the hatchlings have insects to feed on soon after birth. Their eggs normall hatch in 3 days.

2. Mormyridae
They are usually captured in African pools. Their body to brain weight ratio is comparable to human beings. They actually have a sense of humor and very intelligent, so you can teach them a lot. When you buy this variety of fish just make sure you keep them on a monitored diet, in the absence of which they simply stop eating altogether. They are also called the electric fish. It is also called trunkfish. They have silvery brown bodies and are a pleasure to have in any aquarium.

3. Gnathonemus Petersi
This is the elephant nose fish. They grow to around four inches in length and belong to the Congo or Cameroon areas of Africa. They can grow up to nine inches in their natural habitat, but not so much in aquariums. It is colored dark brown or black with white streaks on the sides. They enjoy eating fresh water fleas.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Marine Aquariums - 5 Important Rules For Maintaining Marine And Non-Marine Aquarium Fish

1. Your approach to purchasing and keeping freshwater fish in your home aquarium should be based on prior research and information to guide your purchase of tank set-up plan, which can be kept completely natural or have an ornate touch, depending on your preferences. Of course, scientifically speaking, keeping fish captive away from natural surroundings does mean they are not really kept in a natural environment but closely substituting these in the tank makes up for a lot that is lacking in plant and their habitat otherwise.

2. After cloning as much of their natural environment as possible, home aquarium owners will find that these tank fish have a tremendous amount of resilience and adapt easily to new surroundings for that determines their survival capacity.

3. Understand that a sterile tank container is a device for isolating fish from their beneficial biosphere and learn about the ways in which you as a home aquarium owner can work to incorporate these varied organic parameters to clone the fish's natural atmospheres so that captive fish of any kind can survive here with minimum distress. It is important to learn about methods you can apply in order to maintain healthy living conditions in the tank for your fishy friends, including knowledge of water purification, oxegenating it, preventing harmful chemical build up and learning to detect changes in the eating patterns of the tank inmates. Therefore, a fish caregiver needs to be an observant person focussed on preventing undesirable circumstances in the aquarium as much as a keen hobbyist to upkeep fish.

4. The option of purchasing a framed fish tank as opposed to a simple one is entirely a matter of choice for the owner; however, care must be taken to ensure that the water is always clean in a framed tank, which is the preferred, low-cost option for many people. Some framed aquariums have plastic bodies while others are made of metal; in both cases, the front is chiefly made of strong, water-resistant Plexiglas that curtails corrosive action of chemicals and water, but accumulates scuff easily thus losing much of its visibility over time. The other variety of tanks include those made of glass and lined with silicone-based compound that acts as an adhesive to live up to any amount of wear and tear, proving quite supple in the long run.

5. Home aquarium owners would do well to remember that tank water gathers acids and salts, which need to be regularly measured to test for dangerous levels to prevent fish falling sick; test kits and buffer units help to control and check for calcium and sodium build-ups that can be caused by toxic chemicals besides other apparatuses that are readily available in the market for judging quality of water i.e. hard or soft. These are important investments for home aquarium owners as they need to know the quality of water for the kind of fish they have (marine fish prefer brackish or hard water while freshwater fish may like spring, tap or purified well water) so the owner needs to be aware of these and when to use water free of chlorine.

The use of hydrometers for testing the salt levels in the tank water, adding 2-4 fractions of sea salt to every thousandth part of tank water to increase brackishness for marine fish, how to make water soft (add distilled water) and which variety of fish require acidy water (yellowy-brown in color, can be made with chemical additives for reproduction stage of some fish) will go a long way in helping owners take care of their fishy friends better.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Jewel Aquariums - Tips To Purchase The Best One

The earlier days of stepping into a pet store in the neighborhood and simply buying an ordinary tank with a hood and then stepping up to purchasing lighting and inmates for them is finally over - with the arrival of modern, innovative and elegant options besides a host of accessories for the aquarium owner!

Investing in a jewel aquarium is not for the faint-hearted (or for that matter, those without deep pockets) since it is a costly way to follow a hobby. Some people liken the desire to purchase a jewel aquarium with going on a shopping spree to buy whole-sale goods in a larger size or pack to cut costs instead of individually sourcing and fitting pieces or items: this is because when buying a jewel aquarium (it gets its name from the manufacturer - a one of its kind product currently), all the possible support devices are provider to the buyer by the dealer in one lot, which is a great deal! Not only does buying from one manufacturer, Jewel, offer customers a wide variety of different combinations in the type and size of aquariums they want, but the dealer also doubles up as a accessory provider to offer varieties of aquariums with or without stands, fitted with filters, purifiers and lights etc.

At times, ornamented and gravel included aquariums are much in demand too; these range from 60 to 120 in size apart from the fabulous Rio range of 125 liters to 400liters and may be fitted into cabinets with heaters or other assorted devices.

Cheaper to buy over the Internet, these jewel aquariums are a more cost-effective bet than buying at the local pet store, available in color choices of black and beech. The other series known as the Jewel Vision variety comes in sizes 180, 260 and 450 with a curved glass-front; Jewel's Trigon series are best for corner fitting or mounting on stands, being the most costly buy of the lot in model sizes of 190 and 350. All Jewel fish tanks come equipped with a filter and heating systems, which make them a great buy for the money they cost, though they are heavy. All cabinets of Jewel aquariums need to be assembled at home but are conveniently flat-packed.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Keeping Hermit Crabs In Your Aquarium - 4 Best Varieties

Hermit crabs are popular with children as well as with adults of all ages. Since the idea of salt water aquariums is on the rise, the idea of hermit crabs in it is on the rise as well. Just like you can choose from a variety of categories to have as a pet you will need to choose from different breeds for the one perfectly suited to your home aquarium. Different varieties have different chances of survival when confined to an aquarium. So make sure you know exactly what you are getting into and make sure you know well how to take care of the new addition of life in your aquarium.

1. The Red Hermit Crab
This is also called the White Spotted Hermit Crab. It has red legs and also black spots on them. And we do not recommend them to reef aquariums, but they are just perfect for a community aquarium. They Can help keep a check on the growth of algae. These creatures will love their space so do not keep more than one crab in one aquarium.

2. The Red Legged Hermit Crab
This variety is from Mexico and they are the good and Hardy addition to any kind of aquarium. They will make sure that the algae stay away from your tank. Make sure you have a limited amount of copper in your tank water since they cannot survive in the presence of large amounts of copper percentage.

3. Scarlet Hermit Crab
This is also called the reef hermit. It doesn't normally grow to over 2in. It has a beautiful red body and yellow eye stocks. They will keep the growth of algae in your aquarium under control. On the other hand if the algae content in the tank goes to a low make sure you give them something else to feed on. Dry seaweed is a good alternative.

4. The common Hermit Crab
They are usually found in European countries but sometimes in other regions as well. They are also called the soldier crab because they carry their homes on the top of the back. When they are outgrow a shell they simply discard it and a fresh one is always ready underneath. The crab in an inadequate shell will not ever be able to grow to its optima size. So make sure you get the right size shell for your crab from a good pet store. If you know exactly of what is needed you could even find the shell on a beach.

These crabs make a wonderful addition to your fish tank. And the best thing is they require minimum fuss and attention. Kids and adults all love to watch them in your salt water tank. They are hardy, pretty and they also keep the tank clean - what more could one ask for?

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Algae In Your Acquarium - 4 Tips To Eliminate It Completely

One of the biggest downfalls when it comes to owning a fish tank is the algae buildup. Unfortunately, for fish owners, fresh and saltwater alike, this is a just a natural reaction in the tank and it needs to be cleaned. There are four different types of algae you could find yourself wrestling with: green, brown, red-brush and blue green.

Green algae are the normal type that most people have to deal with. It usually grows in bright aquariums. For anyone who has ever had to clean green algae knows this isn't a fun experience when you are trying to scrape the sides of the tank. Hair algae are usually floating around in the tank and can easily be cleaned with a fish net. The hard green dot algae take a lot of scrubbing time.

Brown algae normally appear when an aquarium has just started. This means that phosphate and nitrate levels are out of whack. These need to be tested and adjusted. The owner might consider adding more light as brown algae thrive in dim lighting. Expect the brown algae to go away once the water conditions are controlled.

Red-brush is difficult to deal with, but not very common. They only thrive in high pH levels. And, blue-green algae, well, it's not actually algae. It's a form of bacteria and resembles a slimy film that covers everything. This needs to be removed and cleaned immediately because it will harm anything in the tank from the plants to the fish.

There are different ways to prevent algae or at least limit the amount of algae that grows in the tank. It can't be all neutralized, but at least make the clean up process go a little easier.

1. Use less lighting. This might seem counterproductive because brown algae thrive in low lighting, but they also need specific water conditions to grow. Use dim lighting or turn the lights off after a certain interval, between seven and eight hours. This will prevent the algae from getting enough to light to photosynthesize.

2. Change the water every couple of weeks. This will inhibit algae growth. Also, vacuum the rocks and clean the gravel. You can also use distilled water when changing the water as a way to maintain algae growth. However, if you use distilled water, you have to do it every time the water is changed because you could harm the fish if you use different water every time.

3. Get algae eating fish. There are some fish that just love algae and will suck it right off the sides of tank like certain catfish. If you fill your tank with these fish, your algae cleaning days will come to a minimum.

4. Purchase a reliable algae glass cleaning magnet. This will make the process easier when have to clean and help reduce the algae produced between cleanings.

Algae are the least fun part of owning fish. However, it needs to be cleaned for the fish to thrive. Even if you do own algae eating fish, this shouldn't be an excuse not to clean the tank. Check the sides of the tank and any tubes or pipes that lead into the tank for algae. It can grow in the strangest places.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Cleaning Your Aquarium - Tips To Do It Correctly

It is very easy to set up an aquarium at home; it is only after that the problem starts. It is necessary to take good care of the aquarium. The foremost thing that is to be kept in mind is the proper cleaning that has to be done time and again. There are several things that need to be kept in mind to clean the fish tank properly. If the cleaning part is not done properly, the fish tank can be damaged badly, and you need to note that this can be fatal for the fishes. Improper cleaning methods can kill the fishes.

The primary thing that needs to be done, every week is to clean up the filter, the filter that is used inside the fish tank. There is another option, if you need time to clean it up, it is better for you to replace the filter with another one, and clean the latter. There are possibilities for many unwanted materials to be caught in your filter. If this happens, the filter might not be able to work properly. It is essential to note that no gravel or plants are stuck in the filter. It is necessary to clean it up immediately in case there is any.

Algae are a regular feature in fish tanks, which survive with a little oxygen and water. They get accumulated on the fish tank. They might even stay up on the filtering system. If they are seen inside the fish tank, it is time to clean them up, because they cause a lot of contamination inside the aquarium, which will lead to sickness, and might even turn out to be fatal for the fishes.

Next is the replacement of water inside the fish tank. This needs to be done on a regular basis again. Before replacing the water, it is necessary for us to actually find a temporary water filled environment for the fish, say, like a big bowl of water, or maybe a smaller tank, that is meant for this purpose, till the main fish tank is cleaned up and ready for the fishes to occupy it again. It is necessary to put in more supply of air, in case your fish needs more than what it usually needs. This method is absolutely safe if it is followed to the T. The fishes will remain safe till they are replaced in the fish tank.

It is necessary to ensure that all the items are cleaned completely and thoroughly before water is filled in the tank. All types of rocks and gravel in the fish tank must be boiled. The artificial plants that provide the ambience for the fish tank must be cleaned completely with hot water. That is just to ensure the algae and debris gets removed completely off the aquarium. We should never use any sort of cleaning agent that is used to clean the house or any other dangerous chemicals for the fish tank.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Make Distilled Water For Your Saltwater Aquarium - Save Money!

It was once thought that distilled water heated faster than ordinary tap water so it was considered dangerous by many people. It has been proven that this is not the case and that distilled is just like regular tap water when heated up.

Distilled water is when all the impurities are removed from the water by what is known as desolation. You distill water by boiling it. From the boiled water the steam that is produced is captured into a sterile container and condensed back into liquid. A lot of companies have looked at cheaper ways to purify water, with one of the methods being to deionise water. Such methods, which are used by many, do not completely purify the water.

Distilled water is used in a lot of everyday things - cooling systems for vehicles, lead acid batteries, and steam irons.

It is now becoming popular to use distilled water in aquariums. As the water does not contain chemicals which can be found in tap water, many aquarium enthusiasts like to use distilled water for their tanks. Tap water contains such chemicals as chlorine and chloramine, which for fish is fatal.

It is expensive to buy gallons and gallons of distilled water for your aquarium and it is surprising how the costs mount up. Saltwater Aquarium owners can save money by distilling their own water, by improvising although this does mean spending the time to do it. You need to find a way to boil the water by using either a gas or electric stove. Any cooking utensil can be used to heat the water in. You will also need to find a way to capture the steam and cool it, as copper tubing in a long spiral shape is typically used in a cooler. Copper is a fatal substance for invertebrates which live in coral reef, so tubing made of some other material will be required. You can always a pan and two lids if you cannot get a spiral tube of any kind. Once water boils you will see the condensation on the lids from the pot - this is what is known as distilled water. With the second lid, cover the pot and then the condensed can be poured into a cup. Continue this process until you have enough water for your tank. You need patience for this long process.

Distilled water needs to be supplemented when you first set up your Saltwater Aquarium. Distilled water is too pure on its own and will not sustain aquatic life. Check that the storage container for the distilled water is not made of copper which is lethal to invertebrates living in coral reefs, so it should not be added to any saltwater.

It is better to use distilled water in your Saltwater Aquarium if you are unsure whether the tap water in your area is pure enough. The distilled water will need to mixed with a saltwater mix before adding to the aquarium.

once the tank has been filled with water, you can install the filtration system and wait a few days before putting anything in. This is highly recommended as then the water has time to settle and can be quality tested. Once you have done all the necessary checks and the water is at a level suitable for the type of fish you have purchased, you can now introduce them into their new home. Making these vital checks to the water will make sure that you have created a safe environment for your fish.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How Can I Make Sure My First Reef Tank is Successful - Three Tips For a Great Mini Reef Aquarium

Once you have said to yourself i want to start my first reef tank the excitement and desire to get your tank up and running will be at an all time high. However if you want to have a successful first time reef aquarium you must approach it slowly and educate yourself or risk losing fish,corals and money. But if you can follow a few simple pieces of advice you can increase your chances of success!

Choose Your Live Stock- Because many saltwater fish and coral have certain environments they need to thrive all marine aquarium keepers should research the animals they want to keep.

The types of animals you put in your reef aquarium will also determine what type of equipment you need to buy.

Failing to research your livestock choices can lead to an unbalanced tank, dead or eaten animals and constant headaches for you

Choose Your Equipment Carefully- Keeping your first reef tank will require a fair amount of money to be spent on support equipment. it is this support equipment that will determine the success your reef tank has.

One big mistake new reef keepers make is stetting up their system like a freshwater tank. Things like under gravel filters, air stones and similar freshwater items will not work very well in a reef environment and should be avoided.

Seek Help From Others- The help of an experienced captive reef keeper will be the most valuable thing you can have in your efforts. You will be able to draw from their experience and get advice you know will work. You can find this type of help at local reef or fish clubs, in books and online. You will often find that these people are more then happy to help some one who is setting up their first reef tank.

Want a crystal clear successful Reef Aquarium [] on your first try? Our reef tank guide will show you how to avoid the common mistakes that lead to fish death, algae and an ugly tank. To get the secrets to creating a stunning reef aquarium visit []

Aquarium Filter - How It Keeps Your Aquarium Clean

While setting up any aquarium, there are several essential gadgets involved, like the heater, the test kit and the filter.

Fishes are normal living beings that eat food and excrete waste. Also as a natural process water develops some bacteria. The filter in the fish tank cleans up all these germs and unwanted elements to keep the water clean and safe for your beloved pets.

The two basic types of filters are:
à External Filtration Systems
à Internal Filtration Systems

The filters for your aquarium are readily available at the local fish shop. The local pet shops are probably not the right place to look for the filters.

The Internal Filtration System

These are used for the salt water & fresh water aquariums. Usually, this tank works in the following manner:

1. The salt water aquariums contain an internal tube that allows the water to flow down in to a sump tank.
2. The sump tank is just below your main tank.
3. All the water in the fish tank is made to pass through certain kind of foam.
4. Here all the wastes and the bad bacteria get accumulated thereby, filtering the water.
5. This water is then finally pumped back to the top in the main tank.
6. This is a continuous process in every aquarium.
7. This is very noisy and pricey filtration yet all the worth as it is very effective, in fact is considered the second best available in the market.
8. These types of filters are usually expensive as they are tailor made as per your tank, but often they are not worthy of that heavy expenditure.

The third best option available in the market is a large black internal filter. This works in the following manner:

1. A large black rectangular structure is fitted inside the tank.
2. This rectangular filter sucks up the water in the tank along with the waste in there, through its bottom.
3. Then this water passes through the filter.
4. It is quite inexpensive and affordable filter.

The External Filtration System

This is the most effective and hence the most expensive system available in the market. But the expense made on these is all the worth.

This filter is basically quite hard working machinery that is placed outside your fish tank. While it works just like the two internal filtration systems explained above, here the connecting element amidst the tank and the filter is the long black tube. As it is comparatively silent and extremely effective, it is worth all the expenses made.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

4 Popular Catfish - Great Tips On Catfish Care

Catfish are popular animals for keeping and eating. But, if you are looking for tips on great recipes, you're looking in the wrong place. This is where you are going to learn how to keep and maintain catfish as pets. One of the reasons people enjoy catfish is because they are very self sufficient. Catfish clean up algae and other organisms from tanks making cleaning easier for the fish owner. Catfish get their name from the cat-like whiskers on their face.

There are so many different types of catfish and they range in sizes and shapes. There is the Mekong giant catfish that grows to six feet long. This is obviously a fish you aren't going to own. There are catfish that are easier to keep than others. The catfish in this article include the Black Spotted Corydoras, Peppered Corydoras, Leopard Corydoras and Loricariidae.

1. Black Spotted Corydoras: This catfish comes from Venezuela and Guiana and can grow to a little over two inches in length. The reason for the name is pretty obvious when you see it. It's silver with black spots. Black Spotted catfish make good pets. They aren't aggressive and are peaceful animals. They prefer to eat white worms or tubifex, but will eat fish flakes.

2. Peppered Corydoras: The brown colored fish hails from Brazil. It also has spots on it but not as prominent as other catfish. Like other catfish, it handles communal tanks and cleans the tank well. It feeds on white worms, Tubifex and flakes. The Peppered catfish enjoys slightly acidic water, so check the pH level. It enjoys swimming in hard water.

3. Leopard Corydoras: The Leopard catfish is from the lower Amazon. The reason for the name is the dark spots over the silvery body that tends to form lines near the tail. The Leopard catfish is an easy fish to own. It's calm with other fish and doesn't act aggressively. It enjoys similar water conditions to the Peppered catfish and eats the same items. These fish usually swim around the bottom of the tank looking for food that the others have missed.

4. Loricariidae: These fish are covered in bony plates and are a hit with fish lovers. They have a suckermouth and clean up tanks as good as a vacuum. They love eating the algae and other tiny organisms, which makes cleaning the tank easier. These fish shouldn't be used as a substitute to cleaning. Cleaning must still be maintained. Most species of this catfish are nocturnal, so you might not see them out during the day. They prefer slightly acidic water (6.0 - 7.5 pH) and a temperature between 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit. They are good in tanks with other fish, but might fight with fish of their own species. These fish enjoy worms, insect larvae and algae. They should be fed in the evening. Many of these fish are sold just for their algae eating purposes. Some of them can grow to be large fish, but many stay relatively small, sucking up the algae at night. There are some of these that are bred in captivity because they are such a popular fish.

Catfish are a great fish to have in your aquarium. Besides eating the algae and making your cleaning duties easier, they get along well with other fish. This is important because with territorial fish, you can spend time trying to find the right combination of fish to put in your tank without them killing each other. Catfish come in many colors and varieties. Find the one you like best and enjoy the peaceful nature and low maintenance it brings to the tank.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Aquarium Care - 3 Great Ways To Condition Water In Your Fish Tank

Creating a condition that is safe for the survival of fish in the aquarium is very essential factor. A careful study has to be made of the water condition and the water should be modified with buffers to make it safe for the fish to live in. The fish live in alkaline conditions which prevent a drop in the balance and regulate the balance of pH in the water. Tap water is used most of the time for fish tanks and requires treatment which has to be purchased regularly.

1. Various kinds of Water treatments
For those who are new to the hobby of keeping fish it is essential to get to know how to test the water and to find out what is lacking in it or what is in excess. There are kits which provide you with the results of ammonia, nitrates, nitrites and chlorine in the water in the tank. The waste produced by the fish creates ammonia which turns into nitrates, so you should conduct the tests regularly at a certain time on the water. Unlike humans fish cannot tolerate chlorine in the water which is used to make water potable for human consumption.

Before you get yourself water treatment solutions it is best to have the tap water tested so that you know what sort of water you have and what the solution for it should be. You could call the local department for testing water and also inform them that you have an aquarium and would like to know the water analysis for this reason. Tap water usually contains Trichloroethylene or TCE, phosphates, metal, chlorine, copper and chloramines.

2. How to make tap water fit for use for your fish tank
When you use tap water for the fish tank it is better to allow the water to run for a while before filling the fish tank, or even let it stand overnight so that it gets purified or additional chemicals are removed.

In case there are only chlorinates in the tap water then you could use treatment such as thiosulphate dechlorinators which are sodium based. In case there are other chemicals in the water then it would be better to consult your pet shop about the sort of treatment you should use for the water.

3. Cleaning equipment for the tank
You would need things like nets, buckets, a hose etc. for cleaning your fish tank. These things are not very expensive and you could even search on the internet where you can get this stuff in your locality or to a place closest to your location. You could also do some research on the internet and find out more about water cleaning methods for use in the fish tanks.

Another wrong notion which is a myth is that salt should be added to the water to maintain fish, however some fish from tropical waters find salt de-stressing in the water.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Wall Mounted Aquarium - 5 Useful Hints To Install A Wall Aquarium

1. Marine life has long been the source of fascination for many people who are water-lovers and long for a peaceful, restive and calm environment that keeping an aquarium provides them. However, keeping marine or fresh-water fish are 2 different passions that come with their own set of rules as regards keeping these species in a home tank environment is concerned that hobbyists need to educate themselves about. For example, marine tanks can boast tropical, cold-water and exotic fish to sharks and stingrays but learning about their dietary habits and needs is equally important in picking a home for them.

2. Knowing the category of fish i.e. saltwater or fresh water is essential to knowing the kind of tank necessary to keep them in, where to place it (based on cleaning weekly or monthly and accessibility needed for the same) it and what kind of plants one can put inside the aquarium.

3. Getting a wall mounted aquarium is a definitive style statement apart from being an innovative way to display your Piscean Pals; these comes in many sizes and shapes from those the size of a TV screen to huge walls containing the National Aquarium, Baltimore in Maryland. It does require a certain skill level and time besides patience to do the job right, though but being stylish home accents, wall mounted tanks are the in-thing.

4. The first step towards deciding on having a wall-mounted home aquarium is to determine whether the walls of your home are study enough to take the weight of such an innovative fish-keeping concept: strength of the walls will help you decide the size of wall studs to be used. If possible, try to considere this at the time of laying the foundation of your home as only strong walls can support the idea of a wall mounted fish tank.

5. You can consider hiring a professional services firm to install your wall mounted aquarium for you so the headache of having cables, pumps and other paraphernalia underfoot is minimized and a good job done. This is a considerably more costly option though as compared to a DIY job for wall mounting an aquarium but preferable to investing time, money and effort you cannot spare currently besides a way to transfer any gaffes onto the company the job is entrusted to, should accidents happen or home repairs needed.

Wall mounted aquariums come with a host of distinct advantages as compared to the conventional type of fish tanks that are fraught with hassles of cords and plugs getting under-foot and require lesser degree of maintenance so home owners save valuable floor space, have added safety from children upsetting the tank and the joy of having gay, colorful fish floating along side them in a dream environment.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Home Aquarium - 4 Useful Tips On Buying And Maintaining A Home Aquarium!

1. A little bit of attention goes a long way when fish-keeping is being considered and potential owners of a home aquarium need to research the kinds of fish that are easy to keep and feed besides types of aquarium they can invest in to make it an enjoyable hobby. Taking over from pups and kittens, the perennial pet choices, fish are fast growing in popularity as pets that are easy to keep and look after with pet shops registering greater demand for these finned-friends more than ever before - so much so that this boom has lead to local shops growing into larger set-ups and a fish industry that was never there before. These are typically great places to pick up additional tips and know about choices for fish-keeping - so visit them when you get a chance.

2. The local pet store is a good bet for picking up valuable advice and knowledge about different species of fish and the maintenance required for their proper upkeep and keeping tank conditions suitable for communal living with other varieties of aquatic creatures. From tips on sources of bacteria and chemical build-up that can be harmful for the fish in a tank to learning about ways and means to prevent, control and treat toxins and other substances that threaten the well being of the aquarium fish, there is a lot you can learn from experts at the local pet store. You can also look around and make informed choices about the kind of products you need to build a fantastic home aquarium and support system for your fish-keeping hobby. Cheap and cheerful, visiting the pet shop owner can guarantee better advice at lower price as can clicking on the Internet.

3. Investing in fish-keeping as a hobby is much more than simply purchasing the fish and putting them in an aquarium; a home aquarium calls for upkeep that involves the use of support devices such as stand, temperature regulators, filters, lighting and feeding helpers besides a host of others to ease your mind and keep the fish healthy.

4. Learn about home aquarium upkeep on the web or consult the local pet store expert so you can cut-back on the extensive maintenance that keeping fish requires besides of course, knowing which are the dangerous kinds to avoid keeping at home or close to a child-friendly environment.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Keeping An Aquarium - Reasons To Develop This Exciting Hobby

An aquarium can be best described as a tank which is made of plastic which is strong and is used for keeping fish, amphibians or different types of marine life. The capacity of the tank should be such that it can contain the required level of water and it can be either salt or fresh water. Many people are taking up maintaining an aquarium not only as a hobby but also for decorative purposes.

You can get aquariums in a variety of shapes and sizes ranging from a gold fish bowl to a tank which can be as large as eight or nine feet in width. In some houses you can even find fish rooms. In countries like Japan keeping fishes at homes has been highly popular. Coldwater fishes like the Koi, which are nothing but goldfish which have decorative features, are used as decorative items and kept in ponds in gardens in many homes in Japan.

Latin is the language from which the word aquarium finds its roots. The word "aqua" stands for water while "rium" means building or place. Since aquariums present a decorative ambience they are an ideal hobby for many who have plenty of time on their hands and are willing to work hard. This is certainly not for those who have no time as this needs continuous attention. When you take up maintaining an aquarium you need to make sure you feed the fishes regularly, have the tank cleaned and provide the right kind of environment for the fishes to live in.

Though many would find aquariums spectacular and the fishes fascinating to watch, as a hobby it entails a lot of hard work. That's why not many young people take this up as a hobby while for the older people it implies plenty of responsibility when it comes to start an aquarium and to maintain it. It is possible to create natural environment for the fishes using decorative pieces and plants so that the fishes will feel quite at home. Anyone who wants to start an aquarium at home should be aware of the responsibility and the hard work that would be going into maintaining the aquarium before considering taking it up as a hobby.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Know Your Fish And Aquarium - 22 Points To Remember

Once you have gathered all the materials required for an aquarium, you must first learn how maintain your aquarium that is taking care of your fish and keeping aquarium clean.

Before purchasing the materials required for the aquarium you must search the market well and gather as much information as possible.

Some of the materials required for making an aquarium are:
a. Container or the Aquarium
b. Filters
c. Heaters
d. Gravel
e. Floss
f. Buffers
g. Food
h. Fish, etc.

In order to help you better maintain the fish and the aquarium here are some helpful tips:


1. These are quite necessary to maintain the tropical fish.
2. However, before purchasing the filters and heater you must check on their size and that they perfectly fit in to your aquarium.
3. They must not capture any unnecessary space.
4. In case your tank is too small to fit in these, you would surely require a larger tank.

Materials Required

An aquarium calls for several other purchases as accessories and for apt maintenance. Some of these items are: plants, gravel, food, ornaments, test kits, water treatment, etc.

Al these items have different purposes to solve like gravel maintains the natural resources in the fish tank, ornaments provide for a lively décor, fish feel at home with the plants and food is necessary for your fish to survive. The test kit keeps a watch on the water quality. Water treatment becomes a must as the tap water that is usually used in the aquarium is not pure enough in most of the areas.
Here follows the procedure of making the aquarium:

1. First of all fill a bucket of water and rinse the gravel washing of the dirt, grime and germs.

2. Then add water to your tank, once the gravel is purified.

3. Further add half of the water actually required for the tank.

4. Next add the ornaments & plants to your aquarium.

5. This makes the job of additives completed for the aquarium.

6. Now finally add the tank with the water in full quantity required.

7. Now use the manual that you have received with your tank. Follow the outlines mentioned in this manual to fill your tank properly.

8. Next move to placing the heater & filtration systems in the tank.

9. In order to fit in the heater and filters safely and properly, follow the instructions mentioned in the manual you have received with these equipments.

10. Finally you add the water treatment system to the tank. This purifies the harmful chemicals form the water like metal, copper, metal and other related elements.

11. Now before adding the fish to the tank either make use of the specialized products that enable you doing that safely, else we recommended you to wait atleast a few weeks prior to adding life to your tank.

12. A tank filled with water has some natural bacteria that produce naturally. These bacteria must be filtered out of the water so as to keep your fish healthy and safe. So once the water in aquarium is settled, use your test kit to check if the water is perfectly clean or not, it must also be checked that the water has the right temperature and all the chemicals in it are balanced.

13. Now after the final verification of the water in the tank, add your fish in small quantities.

Know your fish

Here are some types of fish that we recommend you to place in your aquarium:

1. The most recommended one is damsel - it is a salt water fish.
2. Remember, the aggressive fish would always devour the passive fish. Hence, is salt water we recommend you to place some aggressive fish, to be precise, only two of one type, and you can add more slowly and gradually.
3. In case you opt to keep some fresh water fish, it is advisable to choose out of the passive fishes.
4. However, you cannot have both the salt water fish and the fresh water fish in one tank, so in that case you must consider having two separate tanks.
5. For the starters we suggest fishes like white cloud mountain minnow, gold fish, danio, etc.
6. Further you can try having a bristle nose that is type of passive fish. It grows approximately 5.5 inches.
7. Similar to the bristle nose, the otocinclus is another type of passive fish; this grows around 2 inches. An otocinclus loves to live in the rocks & plant areas.
8. Plecostomas, another passive fish, grows around 24 inches, and lives in & around rocks & plants.
9. Veitail and Marble are other varieties of passive fishes. These both grow approximately 6 inches and love to live in & around plants & rocks.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Marine Aquarium Algae - Why it Happens & What You Can Do to Prevent Saltwater Aquarium Algae

Marine aquarium algae is a common and annoying problem for many saltwater fish keepers and one that seems to take on a life of its own. having an understanding of how and why algae grows will give you a better chance of keeping it at acceptable levels.

Main Causes Of Marine Aquarium Algae

Most people panic when they see a little spot of green growing in their tanks. The usually try liquid chemicals, filter medias and other attempts to keep it at bay.

But what they fail to realize is that algae is a naturally occurring part of any aquatic ecosystem so you can never remove it completely, you can how ever hold it at bay.

Excessive Nutrients- In most tanks the algae starts to grow from a high level of algae feeding nutrients like nitrate and phosphate in the tank. These nutrients come from excessive fish waste, over feeding and overstocking the aquarium.

You can try bigger filters, more efficient protein skimmers or reduced feedings but bottom line is if you have to much waste in the fish tank you may have to consider removing some fish to bring everything back into balance or increase the amount and frequency of your water changes.

Not Enough Oxygen- marine aquarium algae thrives in low oxygen environments. Low oxygen can come from poor circulation and overstocking of the tank. low oxygen levels are often associated with PH levels under 7.8

To raise your oxygen levels try pointing some filter outputs at the surface of the water to cause it to ripple, you can also add an additional power head to cause surface agitation and increase oxygen.

But if you find that you simply cannot bring oxygen and PH levels up enough because of your saltwater aquariums fish load you may have to remove a fish or two to get your levels back up to acceptable levels.

Old Lighting- As aquarium light bulbs age they tend to shift more toward the red light spectrum. Unfortunately the red spectrum is the one that marine aquarium algae prefers and thrives under. So if you notice a sudden spike in excessive algae growth you may want to try and replace your lights if they are more then 7 months old and see what affect this has on your tank.

Do you want a Stunning Marine Aquarium [] that is thriving? Then check out our saltwater aquarium guide that will help you regardless of your experience in the hobby. You can learn more about improving your marine aquarium at []

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Aquarium Filtration - 3 Common Procedures Explained

Filtration is a essential requirement when you have an aquarium. It takes out the unwanted chemicals, pollutants and such elements and stores them in the in built filter. The filters of course need to be periodically cleaned or replaced when the time comes.

1. The Mechanical Method
This method aims at arresting the particles of grime floating in the water. The particles should be large enough to get blocked by the filter. When the particles try and pass through the filter areas, they are trapped there and so the water is thus purified of these impure particles. When the saturation level of the filter is reached its capsule needs to be cleaned out with the intervention of the user. The common filter material used in such a category is the polyester fiber, and again this comes in a variety of sub categories. They include the woven type, the fluffy type, the pad type, pressured ones and so forth. Each of them works on the same principle of arresting the larger floating particles of dirt. Such filters include the foam type accessories as well. The spongy foam infuses into the water and cleanse it by capturing the dirt particles.

2. Chemical Filters
These work on the science aspect behind the molecules. The filters are arranged using logic, into simple counter parts. Charcoal is a common material used in many chemical filter processes. Chemical filtration's are successful in cleansing a large percentage of water in your aquarium. These processes (such as using charcoal) trap the smallest of physical particles that one can see floating around in the water, and the process if more efficient than the mechanical. Therefore it is the favorite among home users. To ensure that maximum particles are filtered without over working any filter, many people choose to use the mechanical filter as well as a chemical filter in their aquariums. But make sure you do not rely solely on filters t keep your fish tank clean - it needs your care and attention nevertheless.

3. Bio Filters
This is probably the most important of all filtration methods you will come across. This works on the root level and cleanses the tank of particles invisible to the human eye, and ones that are not removed by the other two processes mentioned above (chemical and mechanical). It is not so simple to understand either but let us say this filtration procedure is the most efficient. It is effective in removing the microscopic elements from your tank water, such as bacteria, ammonia, nitrates and the likes of those. It takes out the undesired elements and replaces them with the desirable. For example it may take out bacteria and replace it with a desirable quantity of nitrite. Fish do produce both nitrates as well as ammonia and they are not harmful to the fish but do contaminate water.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle

The Nitrogen Cycle is defined as the amount of time it takes the two types of bacteria's to colonize in your aquarium to form a well established biological filter. It is also known as the biological cycle and the start-up cycle. The biological filter is responsible for converting ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate.

This process takes anywhere from two week to upwards of two months to complete. This is one of the most important things for aquarium owners to understand. The more you understand this process the more successful you will be at keeping fish. Purchasing an aquarium test kit will help you monitor the process. A typical aquarium test kit will test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Testing your water regularly during the initial startup is very important. Testing every other day during the nitrogen cycle is a good regime. The first thing you will notice is the ammonia raising. After a week and a half or so the nitrites should be rising and the ammonia should be going down. About another week and a half the nitrite will start going down and the nitrate will start going up. When both the ammonia and nitrite are undetectable and the nitrate is going up, you are safe to say the aquarium is cycled and you can proceed to slowly add fish.

There are 3 stages in the nitrogen cycle. We will go into a little more detail about what exactly happens during the stages.

During the first stage, ammonia is introduced into the tank via fish waste and uneaten food. The organic breakdown of the waste and food produces either ammonia or ammonium. The difference is in the ph. Ph of under 7 will produce ammonium which is not near as toxic, and a ph above 7 will produce ammonia which is highly toxic. Ammonia will burn the gills of the fish as well as starve the water of oxygen.

The second stage is where the bacteria called nitrosomonas is developing that will oxidize the ammonia and eliminate it. The byproduct is called Nitrite. Nitrites are just as toxic as ammonia, but they also mess with the central nervous system

The third stage of the nitrogen cycle is where the bacteria called nitrobater develop. Nitrobacter converts the toxic nitrites to nitrates. Nitrates are not toxic to your fish in low quantities. It is very important to continue testing your water on a regular schedule to make sure the nitrates do not get to high. This combined with a regular water change schedule will ensure the nitrates do not get out of hand. A 25 percent weekly water change is a general recommendation, but there are many other factors that can affect that.

Want more information on the Nitrogen Cycle []? You can find that and more articles about aquarium keeping at []. Visit today and learn something new.

Different Types of Reef Aquarium Lighting - Looking at Two Popular Reef Tank Lighting Options

Arguably one of the most important parts to a successful mini reef tank is picking the right reef aquarium lighting for your system. The corals that you will be able to keep will be directly affected by your lighting system so getting it right the first time will not only save you money but also frustration and dead animals.

Two Popular Types Of Reef Aquarium Lighting

Power Compact Fluorescent Aquarium Lighting

Power compact fluorescent lighting is a very popular from a reef tank lighting for a variety of reasons,

large Selection Of Products-Because of this popularity many manufacturers have focused on this type of lighting system. This gives the reef keeper a huge selection of affordable lighting systems to choose from. Many systems have built in moonlighting and cooling fans and other neat features.

Low Price-Power compact lighting provides adequate light for basic corals and is relatively inexpensive to purchase and operate. It also does not transfer a lot of heat into the water like some lighting systems can.

Metal Halide Reef Tank Lighting

Metal halide lighting is by far the most powerful forms of reef aquarium lighting on the market. It offers the brightest most intense light for your tank.

Metal halide bulbs range from 70 watts all the way up to 1000 watts. It is recommended that 1 metal halide bulb be used for every 2 square feet of tank space so a 48" long tank would need two of them.

These lights will allow you to keep virtually any coral you want but they do have some negatives associated with them.

High Price-metal halide lighting is expensive to purchase and because of the higher wattage bulbs it is more expensive to operate. The bulbs must also be replaced every 9-12 months and many metal halide bulbs cost well over $100.

Extreme Heat- the heat given off by the bulbs can easily increase the temperature in your tank to dangerous levels. If this is the case you will have to buy a more expensive chiller unit to keep the water temperature stable.

They can also heat up any enclosure they are in to skin burning temperatures so always use caution when working around them.

Confused about Reef Aquarium Lighting []? Our reef tank guide will show you how to pick the right lighting for your reef tank so your corals thrive and grow. To get the secrets to creating a stunning reef aquarium visit []

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How to Get Coralline Algae to Grow Faster in a Reef Aquarium

Part of the draw to reef aquariums are the colors of the fish,coral and especially the colorful purple live rock that are all found in the typical reef aquarium. That purple color is called coralline algae and it is a calcium based reef building algae.

It comes in many colors that include brown, green purple and even orange but purple is the most common. This algae will also spread to the walls of the reef tank adding to the color and visual impact. But in order to grow it needs the right environment.

While getting fish and coral to be colorful is fairly easy most people seem to struggle with getting their live rocks purple color to spread through their mini reef.

How Do I Get Coralline Algae To Grow Faster

Maintain Low Phosphates- High phosphate levels in a reef tank act like poison and can all but slow the growth of coralline algae. To avoid this make sure that you are using a good salt mix, purified water to make your saltwater and not over stocking or feeding your tank. A good protein skimmer and proper tank upkeep will also help to keep phosphates at low levels.

Keep Calcium Levels Up- The average calcium levels in the ocean is a around 400 PPM and any calcium based algae needs it to grow. The more available calcium the faster it will grow. Maintaining calcium can be accomplished with liquid or powered additives or with calcium reactors.

Maintain Proper Alkalinity Levels- Alkalinity must be maintained at the proper levels in order for coralline algae to grow at a fast rate. If the alkalinity levels get to low your growth will slow or stop. keeping alkalinity up is easy to do with additives or even frequent water changes.

Keep Predators Out- Certain animals like urchins or puffers can eat calcium based algae faster then they can grow. So if your goal is to have purple covered rocks and aquarium walls keep urchins and other coralline eaters out of you reef tank!

Do you want a Stunning Reef Aquarium [] that is thriving and growing? Then check out our reef guide that will help you regardless of your experience in the hobby. You can learn more about improving your reef aquarium at []

Signs of Illness in Fish

Illness in fish is not only dangerous to the fish (which can rapidly decline in health), but is also dangerous to the entire aquarium, including the other fish in the habitat. It's very important to keep an eye on your fish for any signs of illness so that they can be isolated from the rest of the fish population and so that they can be treated effectively and in a timely manner.

Treating ill fish can be easy. There are treatments and medications that cure all sorts of illnesses. The hard part, however, can be identifying and determining a problem. Sometimes the signs are obvious to the eye, like discolorations or obvious changes in behavior, but other times they can be subtle. Here are some ideas of what to look for:

Erratic swimming or lack of movement: Fish have personalities just like other animals, and their personalities are often shown in their swimming patterns. Some fish are naturally active and others may be shy. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with their individual personalities so that you notice changes. Any swimming that seems erratic (sudden changes in direction, darting around, bumping into objects, etc.) or any lack of movement can be an indication of illness.

Changes in diet: If you notice any change in diet, especially if the fish stops eating, it could be a sign of disease.

Physical abnormalities can include discoloration, swelling, rotting fins or abnormal growth. Rotting fins could be a sign of bacterial infection, together with sores, red skin and/or clouded eyes. Skin that is red or has white patches and abnormal growths could indicate parasites. Another indication of this would be if the fish is rubbing against the edge of the tank or against any objects inside the tank.

Sluggishness: Sluggishness can indicate simple water problems, so test the water to determine safe levels of pH, hardness, etc. Sluggishness can also indicate bacteria, or parasites. Look for other symptoms to confirm a particular disease.

There are specific treatments for every type of ailment a fish can get. The important thing is to diagnose the right disease. If needed, contact a pet dealer or veterinarian for advice on diagnosis and treatment. It's important to treat fish immediately, but it may be even more important to isolate the fish so as not to contaminate healthy fish. Also, once you've confirmed a sick fish, keep an eye on the rest of the population to be sure they remain healthy.

Keeping fish healthy is a continuous task that requires patience, constant observation and careful vigilance. If you want your fish to live long, healthy lives, it's all worth it.

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.PetLovers.Com/ which is a site for Pets.

Maintaining Your Fish Tank

To keep your fish happy and healthy, maintaining your fish tank is crucial. It's easier than you think to keep a healthy tank that will let you enjoy your fish hobby for years. Just 30 minutes every other week will prevent most problems that can occur in your tank that can end up costing you a whole lot of time and money. Regular maintenance will also provide tank stability. It will amaze you how well your fish will withstand minor variances in the water as long as the tank is maintained and they are healthy.

Water Changes

If you've read anything about maintaining your fish tank, you've probably read about how important it is to change the water. With most aquariums, this should be done every two weeks. Before you start to panic and send your aquarium back to the store, you don't need to change all the water in the tank. Just changing 10-15% of the water is fine. A really good time to change the water is when you use one of those aquarium vacuums. This gets rid of leftover food and waste that settles into the gravel.

At the fish store, you'll find water testing kits. They are easy to use. Be sure and use them to check both the water in your tank and your tap water periodically to check the pH and what chemicals may be in the water. Tap water usually contains chlorine or chloramine. You can dissipate the chlorine easily by letting a bucket of water sit for 24 hours. It will work even better if you can aerate the water with an air stone. Chloramine, however is a combination of chlorine and ammonia. Even using a commercial water conditioner will get rid of the chlorine and leave the ammonia behind. If your aquarium is well-established, the good bacteria that are present will help break down ammonia, though it may take awhile. Watch your fish for signs that they are unhappy.

The water can also contain other contaminants like iron, heavy metals and phosphates. If you call your local water company, they can provide you with a report on the most current testing of water chemistry.

If you have access to well water, it is usually free of chlorine and chloramines, but it may be harder than tap water and may contain other elements from the surrounding soil.

The filtered water in your tank should be tested regularly when you do your regular maintenance routine. You want to check for silicate and silicid acid. These compounds can work their way through the membranes of the filter in a relatively short time.

Testing Your Water

Changes in your water are not visible, which is why testing is so important. Making testing a normal part of your maintenance routine will keep you on top of any chemical changes that may occur.

You can get a testing kit that will test for pH as well as nitrites, nitrates and carbonate hardness. Most fish do best in water that lies between 6.5 and 7.5 pH. This gives them a little leeway if it changes slightly either way. You want to keep the pH level as stable as possible. Carbonate hardness, or kH, tells you the stability of the pH. If it gets close to 4.5 dH (degree hardness) or 80 ppm, you need to take steps to raise it. Luckily, this is easy to do. What I do is add half a teaspoon of baking soda for every 25 gallons of water in your tank. This will raise the kH by approximately 1 dH, or 17.8 ppm.

You should not detect the presence of nitrites unless you are cycling your tank in preparation to adding your fish. If you do find some, check your ammonia levels too. Your nitrates (different from nitrites) should be kept to less than 10 ppm in freshwater tanks and 5 ppm in saltwater tanks. If you have a reef tank, you should aim for 0 ppm.

Aquarium Filtration

Keep your filter running properly at all times. Change your filter materials (cartridge, activated carbon or floss) at least every four weeks for optimal filtration. Particles become trapped in your filter and decompose. This gets cycled back into your tank if you don't change the filter material often enough. If you have many fish in your tank, you may want to change them more frequently. Clean your filter thoroughly once a month, but don't touch the bio-wheels if you have them. Use the water you remove from the tank during your water changes to clean the filter.

Try this routine for a healthy aquarium:

Every Day

Check that your equipment works properly (filter, air pump, etc). When you feed, watch the fish behavior. Health issues can be caught early by seeing behavior changes.

Every Week

Take a head count. If a fish dies, it can decompose very fast, especially if it was small in size. This can raise your ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. Remains should be removed as soon as possible.

Every Other Week

Run water tests for pH, nitrites, nitrates and carbonate hardness. Change around 10-15% of your water. Use your vacuum on the gravel to remove wastes. Clean the aquarium glass. Filter floss works well, or you can buy special scrubbing sponges to remove algae. NEVER use a grocery store kind of scrubber, these will kill your fish. If you start from the bottom of the glass and work upwards, you can minimize the amount of algae spores that enter the water. Rinse your cleaning material often. Use the water you removed from the tank to rinse your filter cartridges.

Every Month

Put in new filter cartridges, inserts, carbon or floss. Check all your tubing, airstones, connections, skimmers and other equipment. Do a clean up on the aquarium top so you know your lighting is not compromised. Check for expiration dates on all of your aquarium supplies. Don't use supplies that are past their dates. Tests can give false readings if they are past their expiration.

Happy fishes!

If you want more useful information about maintaining your fish tank, please visit me at

Monday, November 18, 2013

How to Clean a Very Dirty Fish Tank

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, life gets in the way and your aquarium gets out of control. Every day you tell yourself you'll get to it and all of a sudden it's too late. You start thinking that it would be better to empty the whole thing, throw everything away and start from scratch. It's happened to me before, believe me. But stop! Before you give in to temptation. If you tear it down you will lose any beneficial bacteria that have colonized your fish tank. Only if your tank is in severely bad condition, it may be worth starting over.

Now, if you find yourself in this mess, I will tell you how to clean a very dirty fish tank.

You'll need a few tools. Don't despair, you can do a great cleaning of a dirty tank without losing your good bacteria colonies. It may take a little effort and time, but you'll be rewarded with a sparkling aquarium and happy fish. So, let's get ready for battle.

These are your weapons:

• Algae scraper or scrubbing pad

• Plastic razor blade (use plastic on acrylic tanks)

• Water siphon

• Bucket

• Bleach

• Aquarium glass cleaner

• Filter media

• Filter brush

• Paper towels

• Old bath towels

You'll find cleaning easiest if you do it in the following order:

1. Inside of glass

2. Decorations

3. Gravel

4. Outside of glass and hood

5. Filter

First of all, remove your fish and any other creatures that live in your aquarium. Place them in a container that is reserved for fish only using water removed from the tank. Be careful where you put them. It's always good to have a bucket dedicated exclusively to your fish tank, for carrying the water when you change it, and in cases like this, to put your fish. Make sure you use a brand new bucket. Old buckets may have residues of chemicals or detergents that may get transferred into your aquarium.

The inside of the glass

Take one of your algae scrubbing pads and clean the inside of the glass. You can find many types of scrubbers at the fish store. Some have handles, some are just pads. Some have magnets so you don't even need to put your hands into the water because they work through the glass, but these are better for maintenance than to do a thorough cleaning. While you may see scrubbers at the fish store that look just like the ones you can find in the supermarket or in your kitchen, get the ones from the fish store, NEVER use any other kind of scrubber. Household scrubbers or sponges may contain soap or chemicals that will kill your fish.

If you have some residue on the surface that is resisting the scrubber, you can use a razor blade. If your tank is acrylic, be sure you get a plastic razor blade, since a standard one will scratch the acrylic.

Remove any rocks, decorations and artificial plants that are covered with algae or look dirty.

Again, NEVER use soap or detergents on these items! It can prove lethal to your fish. Scrub them with your algae scrubber. This will remove most of the algae and dirt. If you have some particularly hard to clean spots, you can soak them in a bucket containing a 10% bleach solution. Let the items soak for 15 minutes, then scrub off the stubborn spots. Rinse the decorations really, really well with running water and let them air dry.

You may be surprised to learn that live plants can also be bleached, if needed, with the exception of stem plants. Live plants should have a 5% bleach solution in your bucket. Soak the plants for only 2 or 3 minutes. Rinse them off really well in running water.

The Gravel

Vacuum the gravel in the aquarium with your aquarium siphon. You can get one that you can connect directly to the fawcet in the kitchen, siphon the water out, and use the same hose to fill the tank again. Vacuum the gravel thoroughly until the debris and the dirt is gone. I have almost ran out of water and there still a lot of dirt, but I just pour more water in and siphon it out until it's better.

The Outside of the Glass

Now it is time to clean the hood, the lights, the top of the tank and the outside of the glass. Don't use normal glass cleaners... they contain ammonia. If you are tempted to use lime cleaner, or any other commercial cleaner, stop! They are very toxic to fish. Get a cleaner from the fish store creater just for this purpose or use vinegar. And remember, rinse really well afterwards, and then rinse it again! Even when you clean the outside of the glass, you have to be really careful, better not to risk it.

Cleaning the Filter

Now that most of your tank is done, you can decorate again and put your plants back in. Don't clean your filter yet... wait a few weeks. I know you may be in the middle of a cleaning binge now, but refrain from touching your filter. Cleaning your tank has disturbed your colonies of beneficial bacteria. Luckily, they also live in your filter media. Cycling the new water through your filter will help repopulate the tank. If you clean your filter at the same time you clean your tank, you may cause an ammonia spike that can be lethal to your fish.

Okay, now its a few weeks later and it is time to clean your filter. Do you just replace the filter media or do you clean everything? Depending on the type of media you use, the answer may be different. If your filter media is made up of ion-exchange resins, carbon or ammonia absorbers, replace it if it has been in the filter for more than three weeks. The media is exhausted by this time, and no longer provides the benefits it did before. Mechanical filters like sponges, ceramic rings or fiber can be rinsed lightly to remove dirt and debris while leaving the bacteria somewhat intact. To protect the bacteria, use water the same temperature as your tank and return the media back to the filter immediately.

You should also clean out the tubing and other pieces of the filter assembly. You can use a filter brush to remove any sludge or debris that has built up in crevices.

Create a Maintenance Schedule

Now that your tank is beautiful again, give yourself a simple maintenance schedule so you don't have to spend all day doing a major cleaning again. Do partial water changes every couple of weeks, remove algae on the glass and décor every week or as soon as you see it. That's where the magnets come in handy. Do filter cleaning every month as described above. You can also keep your fish nets in great condition by occasionally soaking them in a bleach solution and rinsing them extra well to keep them clean. Your aquarium will become your new pride and joy and you'll be able to enjoy your fish once again.

If you want to find more very useful information about the maintenance of your fish tank, please visit me at

Changing the Water in Your Fish Tank

Yes, the most important thing for your new freshwater fish tank is changing the water.  Why? Well, water changes involve more than just removing water from the tank and replacing it. You have to consider the condition of the water you are replacing it with, and the amount of water to remove. These can affect the water quality, and the state of your aquarium's health.

Colonies of beneficial bacteria grow on every surface in the tank. These bacteria are part of the biological filter; allowing them to thrive will help improve the quality of the biological filtration system.

Every time you clean you fish tank, you should remove 10-15% of the water and replace it with fresh, dechlorinated tap water (bowl and small tanks need larger water changes more often). While you are doing this, you should use your siphon to vacuum some of the debris collected in the gravel. If you have an under water filter it is very important to clean the gravel when you do your water changes every week, or every other week, and this will remove waste particles, and oxygenate the substrate as well, allowing nutrients and oxygen to reach the biological bacteria living on the gravel. Usually, you can clean 25-33% of the gravel when you siphon 10-15% of the water.

What do you need? 

·         A siphon
·         A dedicated brand new 5 gallon or larger bucket
·         A source of water 

Place the bucket and the siphon next to the aquarium in preparation for the water change.  

Turn off all electricity to avoid any dangers. Heaters can break if exposed to excessive air as it will try to heat the room's temperature. Filters can go dry if water levels go below the suction tubing.  

Place the vacuuming part of your siphon in the tank and start suctioning. How you do this depends on the type of siphon you have.  Make sure the other end is below the end in the tank so that gravity pulls down the water into the bucket.  

Remove any solid wastes inside the fish tank by gently siphoning the gravel to pick any settled debris. Imagine a checker board on the bottom and clean square by square. Keep the vacuuming end close to the gravel so you won't suction any fish.

 When the bucket is almost full remove the tubing from the fish tank to break the siphon, and dispose of the water.

 After removing the desired amount of water, you can start adding your fresh water. If you will be adding water from the bucket, rinse it first and use any conditioner while the water is still in the bucket. If you use an auto-filling siphon that  connects to your faucet, dissolve the conditioner in a bit of water and add it as soon as the tank is full. 

Plug any electrical equipment that you unplugged before.

 Just some notes:

-Use a gravel cleaning siphon whenever you do a water change to remove all the trapped particulate from the gravel and also remove dissolved pollutants.

-Although I love to use the auto-filling siphons and so far I have not had any problems, be aware that adding untreated tap water into your tank can lead to disaster. You might prefer to precondition the water before adding it to your system.

-Always use water at room temperature, never use hot water to adjust temperature. Hot water contains a greater quantity of heavy metals like copper and lead. Heavy metals can be removed from tap water by the addition of "slimy" water conditioners. These products contain chemicals that will bind these metals, rendering them harmless. Carbon and certain resins will also remove heavy metals from the water.

-It's better to do smaller water changes more often than one large water change. Doing this will keep the water quality from changing too drastically.

-You can change the water during cycling. Normal water changes will not affect this process after 2-3 weeks.

-Always allow your tap water to run at least five minutes before using it. This will help decrease the dissolved heavy metal content.

Happy fishes!!

If you want to read more and find very useful information about the maintenance of your fish tank, please visit me at

Saltwater Aquarium Algae - What Causes it and What You Can Do to Keep Your Aquarium Algae Free

Any type of saltwater aquarium algae is frustrating for aquarium keepers to control and eliminate. But if you can get to the cause of the problem it can be a easy battle to fight.

Causes Of Saltwater Aquarium Algae

Algae is a naturally occurring part of any ecosystem so you can never eliminate it entirely from your aquarium, but you can control it. The fist step in controlling algae in the saltwater aquarium is understanding that algae's role in the ecosystem is to ensure that nutrients never reach toxic levels to other animals in the environment so if you have in in excess you have  system that is out of balance.

In most cases causes of aquarium algae can be traced to two main situations and those are as follows

Excess Nutrients- Having to many fish in a tank can cause nitrate and phosphate levels to rise to levels that will cause an environment where algae can thrive and grow.

The nitrates and phosphates come from fish waste as well as to much food being introduced into the system.

Some saltwater fish keepers that have over stocked tanks try and compensate for this with bigger filters and protein skimmers but in the long run you are going to have to reduce the bio load of your tank to make the red slime algae go away.

Low Oxygen Levels- If your tank is over stocked or has low circulation you could have a build up of C02. This excess C02 will spark an algae bloom in your tank, this is your systems way of kicking in to keep oxygen levels high enough to keep fish and coral alive. A sign of low oxygen levels is a PH level that is under 8.0.

If you think you have low oxygen levels the best thing to do is increase your flow levels and surface agitation in your tank. If after a week there is no improvement in PH or algae levels you may have to start reducing fish load to increase oxygen levels.

Want a crystal clear successful Reef Aquarium []? Our reef tank guide will show you how to avoid the common mistakes that lead to fish death, algae and an ugly tank. To get the secrets to creating a stunning reef aquarium visit []