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Friday, September 20, 2013

Pond Filters, When & Why

Pond Filters are necessary pieces of equipment when you intend to keep any type of living organism within your garden pond. Pond Filters are a manmade alternative to the forces of nature and cannot be neglected when dealing with pond fish of all types. Garden pond filters be they for goldfish, shubunkins, orfe, koi carp or any other pond fish carry out a very important function within the ponds eco-system.

Pond filters are homes for millions upon billions of beneficial bacteria that aid in the safe and secure removal of toxic gases such as ammonia (ammonium) and nitrite which can quickly overcome your fish, ultimately resulting in their death. Pond filters convert these toxic soluble gases into nitrate, which if required will readily feed your pond plants with the nutrients they require for growth.

Pond filters normally work on three key principals of mechanical waste management, bacterial action upon that waste and also some chemical / ultra violet light alteration upon the pond water for algae control. The very best pond filters utilize all the methods mentioned above to give an almost gin clear quality to the pond water.

Pond filters are unique to every pond. It should never be taken for granted that just because the box tells you that the pond filter is the correct size for your pond that it will be suitable to your individual requirements. Other matters should be taken into consideration, some of these include the types of fish to be kept, the distance above the pond water surface that the filter can be situated, the type of pond pump combination required to keep the pond filter running at it's optimum level of operation.

This author would strongly recommend you seek out a reputable pond filter stockist or better still, find a professional pond filter installation company to assist you with your garden pond filter needs. In our experiences we have found in 90% of cases that pond filters installed by our clients are inadequate for their intended purposes.

When should pond filters be installed? In answer to this question, I would propose that the best time to fit pond filters is when they are obviously needed, whether this be in the middle of winter or not. The only time we would suggest not to install a pond filter would be during the summer months in respect of existing pond filter systems. In other words the upgrading of existing pond filter systems should be avoided during the months of June, July & August. it is during this period that the bacterial colony within the pond filter is at it's maximum and should not be disturbed other than to add an additional independent pond filter to aid in water quality.

Pond filters from new will normally take between 6 to 8 weeks to be sufficiently mature with bacteria to be able to support small stocks of fish. The longer a pond filter has been in operation the more livestock it can support up to it's optimum level. We would again suggest strongly that you discuss these limitations with a reputable stockist.

David 'Goldie' Edwards is managing director of a Garden Water Features [] company based in the UK.

His Pond Supplies webpage gives clients the opportunity to further enhance their Aquatic knowledge and skills

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