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Friday, September 13, 2013

100 Gallon Aquarium - Consider Before Buying

100 gallon aquariums are not exactly cheap to purchase, and the cost of actually owning one can prove to be relatively high as well. So even before you do suddenly rush out to buy yourself a 100 gallon aquarium, there are a number of things you will need to take into consideration.

The first thing you will have to make a decision on, if you are going to have a 100 gallon aquarium, is whether it will be a saltwater or freshwater aquarium. After this, you will need to decide just what kind of fish or marine life are going to be kept in yours. Whilst the third thing you will need to make a decision on, is the kinds of heaters and filters you want installed in your aquarium.

One other thing you need to make a decision on, if you are going to be buying a 100 gallon aquarium, is what shape it should be, and the kinds of decorations and accessories you want with it. Plus you need to take into consideration the type of stand or cabinet on which the aquarium will be placed.

Below we look at some of the points we have raised above, which will give you an idea of what you should know before you go out and spend money on purchasing a 100 gallon aquarium.

100 Gallon Aquarium - Do You Go For A Freshwater Or Saltwater One?

Of all the decisions you are going to be making when you decide to buy a 100 gallon aquarium, this is the most important one. What you will soon discover is that although the tanks are not cheap, the cost of setting up and maintaining a freshwater tank over a saltwater one, is not only cheaper, but much easier as well.

The biggest problem you will face, if you decide on having a saltwater aquarium, is that you need to pay close attention to the details, to ensure that the pH levels in it are correct. So you will be faced with the cost of purchasing certain specialist chemicals, to help keep the environment within the aquarium right for the marine life and fish kept in yours.

When it comes to the fish that you put into your aquarium, this will again come down to whether you have selected to set up a freshwater, or saltwater environment in it. Yes with a freshwater aquarium you have the opportunity of keeping fish like Oscars and Catfish; but the big advantage of having a saltwater aquarium, is that you can go for some of the more exotic species of fish and marine life, such as Moray Eels, Anemones, Lionfish and Corals.

100 Gallon Aquarium - Other Purchasing Considerations

When you have made the decision as to whether you are going to have a freshwater or saltwater aquarium, you then need to decide what the tank is actually going to be made from. You have a couple of options; either to go for those which are made from glass, or ones made from a modern lightweight material known as acrylic.

What you should do however, before you go out and buy your aquarium, is to read as many reviews as you can on the various different ones available. The internet is not only the best place for you to quickly and easily compare the prices of the numerous different types of aquariums, but all the other essential accessories you are going to need, as well.

The other thing you need to think about when considering purchasing a 100 gallon aquarium, is just how much time it will take you to actually carry out such an aquarium installation. As mentioned, the cost of purchasing the tank is not going to be cheap, but remember when pricing out the cost of owning one, you will need to factor in the cost of the other equipment required, to make sure that you run it properly.

For more aquarium tips [] and aquarium supplies visit The Aquarium Lady [].

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