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Friday, January 10, 2014

5 Saltwater Aquarium Types - Tips To Choose The Best One

If you get a saltwater tank, the first thing you should know is not to put too many fish in the same tank. It's not that the fish don't get along; they just tend to get bigger than their freshwater counterparts. There are two ways to get saltwater fish and that is from breeders who have fish in captivity or retailers who get the fish from the ocean. You should probably consider the breeders first because these fish are easier to handle. The fish that were caught in the wild tend to have a hard time adapting to living in a contained space. They don't understand how to eat and may sometimes die. Fish that are bred in captivity are stronger and can sustain different water environments easier.

When deciding which saltwater aquarium to get, there are five varieties to choose from.

1. Fish Only: The type of aquarium is pretty self explanatory. This is the easiest saltwater aquarium to own. Usually you are handling one species. You maintain a certain water temperature and pH and never have to worry about different kinds of food. You have to choose between tropical and cold water. Tropical fish are more popular because of their bright colors, but cold water fish are easier to maintain.

2. Invertebrate Only: In these aquariums you are going to find the bottom-dwelling creatures such as shrimp, hermit crabs or prawns. Some people even have starfish and sea cucumbers to round out their aquarium.

3. Fish and Invertebrate: This is combination of the fish and invertebrate you will find in saltwater. These need extra care because you have to find fish and invertebrate that enjoy the same water conditions. You also have to make sure that the fish you put into your tank don't feed on the invertebrate on the bottom of the tank. Research the species you want to get to ensure they get along. The other downside to this type of tank is that diseases can spread quickly and difficult to cure.

4. Coral Reef: These aquariums can get tricky. You want to do thorough research before attempting this kind of aquarium to make sure you get everything you need. You have to feed coral as they are alive. There are many informative websites to get started down the coral reef aquarium road.

5. Specialty: This type of aquarium normally houses one type of fish. The reason is because the specialty fish is so unique that many other fish won't get along with it in such a small space. Examples of specialty tanks are sea horses, sharks and octopuses. Each of these fish has special needs and shouldn't be with other fish because they will inhibit the other.

Saltwater aquariums can get expensive with everything you need to maintain it. Before you decide to purchase one, research everything you can about the specific type of aquarium you want to own. Learn everything you are going to need for your fish or creatures and make a list. This will help in getting the right items and start you on your way to owning and caring for a saltwater aquarium.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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