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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What is a Gallon Aquarium Tank Made From?

For a gallon aquarium tank, whether you are keeping one for fun or intend to make it a full time hobby, you need to make sure you know how to maintain it. Proper maintenance of one will ensure that the right environment is created for the fish and marine life that live in it. Before you can even get started with your hobby you need to get your gallon aquarium tank and then set it up.

When you either visit your local pet store, aquarium supply store, or search online, there are many different types of gallon aquarium tanks to select from. Not only do they come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, but are made not just from glass anymore.

Gallon Aquarium Tank - What Framework Can They Have?

The more traditional types of gallon aquarium tanks will have a metal framework which helps to keep the sheets of glass that make the tank together. Generally the metal framework for these kinds of aquariums is made either of angle iron or stainless steel, which are welded together at the corners of the frame and the glass will then slot into it.

However in order to prevent water leaking from the aquarium tank, a putty aquarium cement, silicon or acrylic sealant is placed between the edges of the glass and the metal framework. However if these aquariums are not placed on a level surface then the framework can begin to bend and may result in the glass cracking.

Sometimes the framework of a gallon aquarium tank may be made from wood, and generally plywood is used because it is far less likely to warp if it comes into contact with water. Again in order to prevent water leaking from the tank, a good quality epoxy sealant is placed between the frame and glass edges. One advantage that a wooden gallon aquarium tank frame has over a metal one is that you can cover it in material, paint or varnish it to match the decor of the room.

Gallon Aquarium Tank - Other Materials Used In Its Construction

Traditionally most aquariums will have been made using glass, but today many aquariums are now being made from acrylic. Gallon aquarium tanks made from this material cost more but they weigh less than glass ones and the material is malleable so they can be made into any shape you want.

Yet even though acrylic gallon aquarium tanks are much lighter and far less likely to break, the material itself is quite soft and has a tendency to get scratched easily. If not careful over time the transparency of your acrylic gallon aquarium tank can be affected and you may at some later date have to replace it.

There are certain things one can use that can actually enhance the look of your gallon aquarium tank and one of these is a glass like material called Vitrolite. It comes in a number of different colors and can provide an additional effect to the sides and back of the tank. Because the material is opaque it provides you with the opportunity to hide away those wires and other pieces of equipment which maintain the environment within your aquarium.

Before you go out and purchase a gallon aquarium tank it is important that you do some research beforehand. Reading various different reviews on the different types of gallon aquarium tanks before you go shopping for one is important, and the easiest place to do this kind of research is by going online. Not only will you get the information you are looking for but you will be able to compare the prices of the ones you are interested in as well.

For more gallon aquarium tips [] and aquariums visit The Aquarium Lady [].

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