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Friday, October 25, 2013

Reef Aquarium

It is easy to assume that everyone has seen the multiple different kinds of fish tanks that grace nearly every home. Some people have the larger fish tanks that can seemingly hold an endless amount of fish, plants, and water. Other people have the smaller fish tanks that are smaller, and more cost friendly. Either way, when people think of these tanks, they may have seen something else, and did not even notice. The Reef Aquarium is becoming a more popular type of tank that features live coral as the main piece in the tank. Many people do not think of the Reef Aquarium as an alternative to a fish tank, but can be incredibly visually appealing and interesting.

A Marine Aquarium finds its main difference with the Reef Aquarium when looking at what each tank focuses on. While the Marine Aquarium will focus on the fish, with plants and rocks serving as accessories, a Reef Aquarium focuses on the live coral reef. Fish and other accessories do find themselves in a Reef Aquarium, but the main showcase is for the actual living coral. These Saltwater Aquariums can come in a multitude of different sizes. Nano Reefs are any reef that is around 40 gallons or less. If you have a Reef Aquarium that is 20 gallons or less, you have a Reef Aquarium known as a Pico Reef. This is generally the smallest type of aquarium that you can have, and requires more work than the larger ones. The small size means that the water turnover must happen at a more constant rate.

What Will You Find in a Reef Aquarium?

A Reef Aquarium is known for the fact that it dedicates most of the focus of the tank on the living reef itself. What some people do not realize, however, is that there are multiple types of coral (such as soft coral and leather coral), and that fish and other types of sea life are great additions to the aquarium itself. Marine fish, maxima clams, and arrow crabs are sea life creatures that can be added to any tank. Seahorses are something that can be added as well; some people feel that they need a separate Seahorse Aquarium, when they could actually just add them to a Reef Aquarium.

Things to Watch to Take Care of a Reef Aquarium

Many people do not realize that the care required for a Reef Aquarium is much more intense than the care for a normal aquarium. One piece of equipment that could be considered a requirement for a reef aquarium is the protein skimmer. A protein skimmer takes care of the organic materials and other things that a normal filtration system simply cannot take care of. Another thing to watch for is the ph and temperature of the tank itself. Live Coral Reef can be very sensitive to ph and temperature; it is important to make sure these are constant to make sure that the coral thrives. Making sure all of these things are considered and done is crucial, as they are crucial themselves to the life of the coral.

Other Aspects

There are a few other things to consider when talking about Reef Aquarium. One major aspect is the aggressive fish that may find themselves in a tank; these fish can throw off the ecosystem and damage other fish, and the coral itself. Sand is also an important thing to consider; aragonite sand is needed for the best Reef Aquarium Tank possible, as the sand is live, meaning that it offers direct benefits.

For more reef aquarium tips [] and aquarium supplies visit The Aquarium Lady [].

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