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Friday, December 13, 2013

Choosing Freshwater Fish - Great Tips To Get The Best Fish

It is easier to maintain a freshwater aquarium as opposed to a saltwater one so that is something to think about when you are purchasing for the first time. Setting up one is a not as complicated although, maintaining the health of your freshwater fish requires a little more attention. Keeping one of these tanks does not mean you have to have the brains of a chemist as your tank will basically need a filter, a heater, some lights and also a thermometer. Your tank will be ready after a few weeks when bacteria has run its cycle, then you are ready to introduce some freshwater fish of your choice.

Freshwater Fish are available in many different species. You can choose from large as well as small varieties of each species. Starting with your first aquarium it is sometimes better to choose smaller fish, which are good for decorative purposes. You may have already decided that you would like to take this up as a hobby, so why not go right ahead and purchase the larger types of fish rather than wasting money on the smaller fish. Big fish are just as easy as small fish to keep. Some of the bigger species may start of smaller but they can grow up to about half a foot long. Fish enthusiasts usually go for the popular varieties such as Cichlids and Malawi's, although they both need different types of fresh water so you can't put them in the same tank.

Hard water is favoured by the African Malawi's with a lower pH level. The Cichlids from America prefer a temperatures and pH level that are different. One of the more expensive types of freshwater fish is the Discus and it is much more difficult to maintain. The pH level of the water in their tank must be kept at a constant level throughout their tank, life otherwise it could result in their death and they also require a higher water temperature than most of the other freshwater fish, of almost 30 degrees. This could pose quite a challenge for any fish enthusiast.

When deciding on what freshwater fish to choose, you will be looking at those that appeal to you. They will be fish that you know you can handle in terms of the time needed to be responsible for maintaining them. You need to be prepared to look after these living creatures which will be in your hands, so think carefully before deciding to purchase any.

Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Page Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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