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Monday, August 12, 2013

These Goldfish Diseases Can Make Your Fish Sick

Goldfish can live for decades and in order for yours to be long lived, you'll want to educate yourself about the different goldfish diseases that can make your fish sick. Recognizing these diseases allows you to be able to take quick action so that your fish remains healthy.

One problem that isn't really a disease but can make your goldfish miserable is constipation. Goldfish have a compressed digestive system so feeding them the right foods is important. Dry pellet food is often the culprit as many owners don't know that the pellets need to be presoaked first for better digestion. Feeding your goldfish peas that are cut in half is a tried and true remedy for goldfish.

If you see your goldfish floating to the top either right side up or upside down, he could be constipated or he might have swim bladder disorder. Goldfish have a swim bladder which can, at times, become inflated causing them to float upwards. Some ways to avoid this include feeding them some fiber, soaking the pellet food before you give it to them and making sure the tank has good water quality.

One common disease for goldfish is called fin rot. As the name implies, this appears as a white rotted edge on the fins. This can happen if your fish gets an injury to the fin and it becomes infected with bacteria. If you fish is stressed out due to poor water quality this can be a serious problem, so be sure to keep your aquarium maintained properly.

One of the more common goldfish diseases is called Ich. If your goldfish looks like he has grains of salt on him, it could be the parasite known as Ich. Ich can be very invasive if not treated quickly. If you do regular water changes your chances for Ich are less likely as they only are a problem with fish that are stressed.

Another parasite that can attach itself to your goldfish is anchor worm. A fish infected with anchor worm will rub against the gravel or decorations trying to rid himself of the parasitd. It looks like a white stick with a red ring at the attachment spot.

Dropsy is one of the many bacterial infections that your goldfish can succumb to. This bacteria works from the inside out. Typical outward appearances of this are you fishes scales sticking out. The problem with dropsy is that it is difficult to detect and once you do it may be too late. However, if you notice your fishes eyes sticking out this might be an early sign and you can try to treat him with medication.

Another disease that can afflict your fish is called hole in the head disease. Here you will see small holes in the head which will eventually turn into an eruption. Eventually your fish will just sit around not swimming or eating much.

Your fishes health and well being depends on you keeping an eye out for signs of these goldfish disease. Making sure you do regular water changes, and vacuum the tank regularly will help keep your fish from getting stressed and add to their overall health.

For more information on tropical fish as well as goldfish diseases, visit where you can learn how to care for tropical fish.

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