Fish search

Friday, August 9, 2013

Presenting The Fly

We can offer a fly to a fish in a number of ways depending on whether we are representing a grasshopper or beetle or a frail spinner falling spent on the water. To splash the fly down hard delay the presentation stroke by dropping the rod tip to point at the water. Shooting line will only pile line leader and fly in a heap so we refrain from shooting in this type of presentation. To land a fly delicately on the water aim and release line at a point one meter above where the fly is to land and shoot line. If you do not shoot sufficient line the fly line will reach the end of the cast, stop, and bounce back.

The lesson is for a delicate cast you can't shoot too much line whereas you can undershoot. There are other techniques for an advanced caster and these will be covered briefly as this book is designed around a learner. However if you want to refer to these techniques at a later time they will certainly make you more proficient. To accomplish long casts it is essential that the speed of the s fast enough to keep line in the air.

To increase the speed of a cast we can pull the fly line down with our left hand as we simultaneously lift the line from the water. To give the fly time to float downstream without drag, we deliver the fly at about 11 o'clock on the forward cast , leader and fly land on the water in a heap and a drag-free float is achieved until and leader reach the end of their travel. This tactic is often used to cast across a stream to where a fish is rising but there is a current between you and the fish. A normal cast would cause a belly in the line because the current is travel faster than the water where the fish is rising, drag would occur very quickly and no self-respecting trout is going to accept that! The side cast, when overhead vegetation prevents a normal overhead cast, or when a stiff wind is blowing into your face, the side cast produces the result you need. A side cast is nothing more than an overhead cast performed in a horizontal instead of a vertical plane. There are many more various ways find this fly as the main tool for fishermen's. []

The site talks about what are the ways for the fish to fly effectively. []

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