Fish search

Monday, August 12, 2013

Fish as Pets

Fish make great pets. Unlike dogs or cats, they do not need walks or litter boxes; neither do they chew your shoes. Those people allergic to fur can be in the fishes' vicinity without sneezing or breaking out in a rash, although anaphylaxis sufferers should be careful when choosing certain fish food. An aquarium that's well taken care of should not have strong smells. Haired animals such as dogs leave distinct smells that can become overwhelming over time.

Fish will not howl or bark or make unnecessary sounds, although the aquarium filter or air pump might be noisy especially if placed in the bedroom. They are quite easy to take care of, if you have to leave on a holiday. While for dogs or cats, you'd have to take them to boarding kennels, some aquariums have automatic feeders or slow release feeding blocks. However, you should still have someone stop by to check the cleanliness of the tank. Fish are much cheaper to buy as compared to their four-legged counterparts, and the cost of medication is also relatively cheaper to taking a dog or cat to a veterinarian. With their glass houses, the fish are delightful and soothing with their ballet-like swimming and sometimes breathtaking colors. They amaze us with their fascinating behavior such as bubble-nest building and carrying their young in their mouths.

Fish are beginning to edge out dogs as the second most popular pet in the United States. This is partly due to the ease in which they are taken care of. However, they do need informed care - this is true to those who have witnessed a fish floating on top of the water. There is no doubt a feeling of failure whenever we are forced to flush it down the toilet or if a child has to bury it in the garden with an elaborate ceremony. After all, a fish tank is an ecosystem.

Here are a few things to remember for those interested in getting fishes as pets:

Make a decision on what kind of fish you are willing to raise. Keep in mind that freshwater fish are less costly and survive well in varied temperatures and water conditions. Although saltwater aquariums are fascinating, they are quite expensive and difficult to set up and maintain. It is suggested that you try them after a year's experience with freshwater fish. For a rather large initial investment, outdoor ponds can be built for raising carp and koi. However, such fish are relatively easy to care for.

You should also know the social habits of the fish you wish to buy. Community fish get along with other fish while aggressive ones will eat more passive fish.

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.PetLovers.Com/ which is a site for Pets.

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