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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Feeding your Fish

Fish like the natural balance in their living quarters and like humans require a healthy diet to remain active, alert and disease free. Just as in our own lives this means a good variety of food is better than a constant stream of one source.

In the wild, fish have to search out food and as such will get a good mixture of diet. But in an aquarium environment, some compromises are necessary. However there are a number of different types of food that can be sourced that will give your fish a good all round diet. Aquatics worms, crustaceans and insect larvae, green plant matter, and algae are good additions to the several flake products that are around. You can also include granules for mid-water fish, and some algae wafers and pieces of cucumber or courgette for the bottom-dwellers.

You also need to know how much food to give your fish and how often you must feed them. You should feed your tropical fish at least daily, but only give them enough food to fill them as overfeeding can kill your tropical fish, either by digestive problems or by break-down of rotting food giving poor water quality. One rule of thumb is that you should give them enough food that can be eaten in 2 minutes, and do this 2 - 3 times a day - little and often is good. Not feeding them for one day every two weeks is also recommended.

If you go on holiday, fish can generally last a week without food before any harm comes to them, however two weeks is too long. This can be overcome best by getting a close friend to pop round every couple of days (but make sure the friend knows not to over feed) or to get one of the many autofeeders that releases food on a set timed basis.

Variety is the spice of life - to fish also - so a good wholesome variety will leave your fish much more healthy and active.

Pete owns Tropical Fish Advice which is a resource dedicated to helping individuals interested in all types of Tropical Fish

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