Fish search

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Siamese Fighting Fish

The Siamese fighter is a popular fish but is frequently misunderstood. Some people wonder why their happy fighter fish from the pet store has become dull and sickly in it's new environment. Without taking a look at it's basic requirements many fighting fish will never look their best or live for their full lifespan. Betta owners can learn how to care for their pets to give them the best conditions in a short time.

The wild behaviors and environment of the Siamese fighting fish often mislead the owner into unintentional poor care. It is true that wild fighting fish may live for several months in small puddles. The fish will always spend a number of months freely swimming as the monsoon rains connect and swell the swamps and rice paddies.

For pet betta keepers it is often the case that the puddle habitat is modeled rather than the monsoon environment. Thus fighting fish for sale end up in small containers or vases where they can hardly swim in a circle.

Some lucky fish end up in aquariums where they can freely swim and behave without the constraints of a small space. Siamese fighting fish kept in fishtanks often live longer lives while showing more vivid colors and lively behavior.

As a tropical fish the betta requires heating. An aquarium heater will meet this need by keeping the water at a constant temperature. Such devices will ensure tropical conditions are maintained in all climates.

Despite having a reputation as "fighting fish" the betta splendens is mainly aggressive toward other males of it's own species. They can also be rather rough toward the female during breeding.

When kept with other species this is usually not the case. For other species the betta often has no interest unless he is guarding a nest of fry. A fighting fish will eat small fish that can fit in it's mouth but this is true of most carnivorous, omnivorous and insectivorous fish.

Exceptions can occur and there are always fish with more individual temperaments. Some male fighter fighter will target fish that resemble other male bettas. Fancy goldfish are sometimes the victims of such harassment.

It is more likely that betta fish will be the victim themselves in a community aquarium. Fin nipping species such as barbs and most cichlids should not be considered as likely tank mate candidates.

You should betta your fish a diet of frozen foods such as bloodworms along with dry betta pellets. A shelled pea can also be fed weekly if taken. Always feed small quantities as any uneaten fish food can fowl the water. It is best to remove any scraps or solid fish waste as early as possible to make the water quality easier to maintain.

Andrew Fuller spends much of his free time writing about aquarium related topics on a range of websites. He believes in free information for fish keepers who want to learn about their pass time. You may find bettas at aquarium fish shop and betta splendens profile [] to be other useful resource by this author.

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