If you are thinking of breeding exotic fish and your choice of fish so happens to be discus, it is imperative that you become fully informed on discus care. Due to the fact that they are generally considered very sensitive creatures, much attention needs to be directed towards creating the most proper living environment, which should include a well proportionate water tank. Discus fish thrive in deep water, so keep this in consideration when selecting the aquarium you plan to use for the discus group you want to colonize. Basically, the care of your discus presents no unusual or uncommon issues; the number one must do for a breeder to remember, is making sure to preserve the correct water parameters necessary for healthy living conditions. Other than that, the rest should be a breeze.
For example one important factor in discus care is the weekly water maintenance. ;furthermore, because of the nature of the discus, in that they don't like changes, only a certain percentage, about 25% of the tank volume should be freshened weekly. A helpful tip in this area would be to use a filter that eliminates the heavy metals and the chlorine without altering the water pH. Be reminded that a larger water volume is easier to preserve its stability as compared to volumes of smaller aquariums; very important components to include in the caring of discus fish. If you are feeding your fish beef-heart, once they have finished feeding, make sure that you clean out all the leftovers, for if not, it will ruin the water.
If you are maintaining a separate tank with fry, there are some special care needs to be addressed here as well. And the reasons are quite simple. Firstly, you feed them more frequently thus quickly reducing the water quality, therefore in the case of baby discus the water needs to be changed at least 30% three times a week. Secondly, through the caring for your discus fish, uneaten food and waste are eliminated. Also, the simpler you keep, by minimizing the number of plants and decorations you put into your aquarium, the higher the levels of water quality. If you use lots of plants and decorations, there will be more discus care issues since they collect lots of dirt underneath. When it comes to baby discus or breeding tanks, avoid using them in.
Extra attention should be paid to areas or situation that involved additional discus care measures. For instance, the breeding period is a special care period or in case there is some kind of disease that may be affecting your fish. Should you notice any unusual changes that you are unfamiliar with, seek out some extra support for solutions of this kind. Like your local vet or if fortunate enough, maybe the assistance of some professional breeder would sure be great during a crisis situation. But barring any critical situations, following the tips given here should result in you having a healthy discus fish caring experience.
To Your Success!
Discus Fish blog @ http://thediscusfish.blogspot.com will have the latest news and articles on Discus Fish including tips on how to breed and purchase Discus Fish.
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