If you have the right habitat set up in your aquarium to suit your tropical fish you can rest assured that your fish will be happy and live long and healthy - perhaps even breed and add to the beauty of your tank. If you are in the mood to have some tropical fish as pets in your aquarium you must know how to set up their home for them. You must also know something about their eating habits as well as their breeding habits.
Tropical fish need a fairly large tank like 3 cubic feet or more. The tank must have clean and fresh water along with the equipment to keep the water that way. They need to have a lot of natural (not artificial) plants in the tank with a lot of grave that some of them love to muzzle through. If the fish are comfortable in their natural habitat they will soon begin to breed adding to your pleasure of fish keeping.
When it comes to tropical fish there is no dearth of choice between the species, and all are easily available in the local pet store. There are the smaller fish for small tanks such as Neons and Tetras. Angelfish and Guppies are a common variety of tropical fish in tanks and make good pets that are not too fussy about their environment and food. You could choose to keep larger fish such as Malawi's or Cichlids. However, you should bear in mind that Chichlids are cannibals and can turn on each other when they are hungry, so keep them well fed if you want them in your tank. Some of the other variety of tropical fish include Dempsey's, Parrots, Black Belts, Oscars and Jaguars.
Tropical fish live in freshwater so your tropical fish aquarium is a freshwater aquarium. Ensure that the water you fill into the tank is completely purified and made to stand for a couple of hours in a bucket before you fill it in the tank. You should take at least a month to set up the tank with the necessary equipment such as electric pumps and filters, lighting, feeders, gravel, plants and any other decoration you may want to do to the tank. After all this is done you can then go about getting you fish, which must also be done slowly. Purchase them in pairs and put them in the tank as and when you get them.
Setting up the tank in advance gives the time for the bacteria to circulate, this assists the fish to settle down in their new home. Bacteria in the tank is extremely important to the fish as it is the bacteria that cleans the tank of fish excreta.
It is important to clean the tank regularly, like once in 6 weeks. This will ensure a healthy environment for your fish.
Abhishek is an avid Fish Lover and he has got some great Aquarium Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 105 Pages Ebook, "Aquarium Care Made Easy!" from his website http://www.Wonder-Homes.com/636/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.
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