Some of tropical fish hobbyists' dream that keeping gorgeous tropical fish in stylist aquariums in their living rooms will create a soothing environment for family happy hours.
I share with you below some tips of my own experience for home decorating ideas.
The key factor is on the type of tropical fish as they have different shapes, sizes, colors and characters. When we put these lovely tropical fish together in a natural like aquarium will provide a dramatic impact.
Please be aware different types of tropical fish have different characters which help us to decorate or choose whether to have freshwater or sea-water aquarium to suite our tropical fish nature beauties.
Im used to prefer freshwater tank with damsels, mollies, downfish and guppy as they are less expensive and require less effort to maintain the fish and tank.
I would like to share with your my experience of searching for inforamtion on tropical fish and aquarium. I'm sure, more often than not we are fed up with the quality of tropical fish products in the market. The information they offered their books were over priced, and generally didn't focus on telling us how to get the best results using methods that don't require a lot of time and effort and that don't cost the earth. Both of these things I believe take the fun and enjoyment out of keeping fish. After all, something that costs piles of money and requires a lot of work on us and it can't really be deemed as enjoyable... well I don't think so anyway!
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